Footy Town: The Swine

Enjoy this excerpt of Murray Bird’s story, The Swine, from Footy Town. We’re reprising it today because Ian Wilson mentioned it in his recent comment.

Almanac Football: Vale Graham Arthur – Hawthorn’s first premiership captain

Hawthorn’s first premiership captain Graham Arthur passed away earlier this week. Rod Gillett pays a fitting tribute to the man known as ‘Mort’.

Almanac (Footy) Life: Folly In The Goalsquare

Five years after he’d retired from ammos footy, Smokie Dawson gets the call from TR, the coach of Willy CY’s reserves. Here’s what happened. [This is a piece from ‘Footy Town’, a collection of stories about country, suburban and amateur footy – Ed]

Country Footy: You wouldn’t like a game would you?

Inspired by the opening chapter of Footy Town, and a case of the lock down blues, Neil Anderson remembers his Panmure career that might have been.

Footy Town

Footy Town: Stories of Australia’s Game is out now.

Read the blurb and Daff’s foreword to this collection of 48 local footy yarns.

Footy Town: an experiential book review

Henry Ballard’s attitude to reading changed over the duration of his recently completed Bachelor of Communications degree at Deakin University. “Footy Town” was an integral read for him in the final stages of his course as his review of the book reveals. [Henry was an intern at The Footy Almanac during 2019 – Ed]

Martin Flanagan reviews Footy Town (published in the Age)

I was just putting some info together about Footy Town for someone who has just heard about it, and recalled this terrific review from Martin Flanagan. We have a few copies left if anyone is interested. JTH

Read Martin Flanagan’s glowing review essay of Footy Town: Stories of Australia’s Game.

Gunbower – a footy town

A jacketless Paul Daffey in fine form. This time in Gunbower.

Tim Boyle on Footy Town

Tim Boyle launched Footy Town at the All Nations last Friday with this entertaining speech on country footy.

AFL Round 10 – Collingwood v Brisbane: Dr Seuss and the big storm

There was a game on Friday night but David Wilson (aka e.regnans) had bigger fish to fry: A thought-provoking week; a brilliant community book launch; a crackerjack storm. Dr Seuss was right.

Williamstown Literary Festival: Footy Town

Knacker Vin Maskell will host a Williamstown Literary Festival event this Wednesday, May 29, featuring John Harms, Paul Daffey and fellow Knacker and Williamstown CYMS footy club legend, Smokie Dawson.

Garage band

Read Paul Daffey’s exclusive behind the scenes piece on Channel 31’s Local Footy Show – like a spin-off of the old Club Corner segment on World of Sport, only less slick. Daff will be on tonight’s show (7.30pm) talking Footy Town.

Footy Town: Kick like a girl, score like a lady

Enjoy an excerpt from Stephanie Holt’s Footy Town essay on her year with the Boston Lady Demons in the US. Highly recommended.

How to Watch Footy, part 8

Presenting a very special edition of How to watch footy from new grandfather Vin Maskell. Congratulations Vin.

Review Essay: Going To The Local Footy

Liam Quin weaves a day at the local footy with his discussion of life in the city and the recently-released book Footy Town.

Book Review: Footy Town. Do Yourself a Favour.

In this entertaining review Peter Baulderstone explains how he chuckled his way through Footy Town on a flight to Perth. (It’s always nice to know when the connection you hope a book makes with people is evident – JTH)