About us



The Almanac is a writing and reading community, which offers anyone who wants to have a crack at writing (or any other art form) a place to publish.


We love footy and sport, but that’s not all. We’re interested in music, film, TV, politics, history, wine and all the other good stuff. Life really.


We’re a pretty diverse crew.


We’d like to publish your work – any topic, any genre. (Check out our Write for us page). It doesn’t matter how experienced you are: if you want to have a go, have a go. There is opportunity to write for both the website and our annual book and our other collections of writing (like Footy Town and our e-magazine Long Bombs to Snake).


As well we host events all around the country – especially regular lunches in Melbourne and the Barossa Valley (where John Harms now lives). Other functions throughout the year (see our calendar).


Say g’day and express your interest by contacting  John Harms [email protected]


We are funded by memberships (we’d love you to join), readers’ donations, and sponsorships. We also publish books (visit the Almanac Shop)



We’d love those who love the Almanac concept to help keep it going:


Become an Almanac (annual) member – CLICK HERE