Almanac Footy: 2025 Flag Hopefuls – It’s a small field

MagnifiCATS runs his eye over every team’s prospects of taking out the 2025 AFL flag. After a well-argued discussion, he comes to an unusual conclusion.

Almanac Footy (Ladder) – The Icarus Effect: Why the recent losses help the 2024 Swans

MagnifiCATS has an empirically based theory about percentages and premiership contention. It’s hard to argue with the facts. And what about top interstate eateries?

Almanac Footy (Proposal) – Where to build the Tassie AFL ground: the Canberra solution

Doug Long has solved the problem regarding the possible location of an AFL ground in Tasmania by looking to historical precedent. How did we miss it?

Almanac Footy: How to give away too much for a player – the right way

Recruiting a ‘big ticket’ player is an enterprise fraught with danger. Doug Long reflects on several instances at various clubs over the years – some worked, others were a disaster.

Almanac Footy (History): Why the Blues cannot win the 2022 flag and why the Dees may struggle

The history of the game tells us a great deal about the prospects of teams come finals time. A study by MagnifiCATS explains why Carlton can’t win this year’s flag and why Melbourne will struggle to emulate their 2021 success.

Almanac Footy (Prognostication): Clarko to the Giants / Roos – No way!

The Footy Almanac welcomes first-timer MagnifiCATS who seems to have his own ideas about the next step in the coaching career of Alastair Clarkson. (Welcome aboard, MagnifiCATS!)