WAFL: Round 7 – Contrasts and comebacks Schoenfield, Schloithe and Schlensog

Les Everett reports from Western Australia with the latest news and results from Round 7 in the WAFL.

Round 18 – Cam Hooke’s Collingwood Life

Despite the loss to Melbourne, Cam Hooke keeps the faith. With the arch-enemy on the horizon, the belief is still there.

Round 17 – Cam Hooke’s Collingwood Life: Disappointing or disgraceful?

Five losses in a row is Cam Hooke’s tipping point. It’s time for change and there’s selection pressure coming from the VFL players. The axe? Swing it.

Round 5 – Dr Hooke’s Collingwood Life: It’s turning into a fascinating season

With the demolishment of arch-rivals in consecutive weeks under their belts, Dr Hooke and the Collingwood faithful are quite ebullient at the present time. Read on, true believers…