Tom Wills Grave Restoration: The Guardian’s Article

Russell Jackson from The Guardian writes about Almanac’s own Phil Dimitriadis and his journey to restore Tom Wills Grave.


Almanackers, John Harms and Marius Cuming receive due acknowledgement with Wills’ biographer, Greg de Moore.


Great read and personal tribute to Phil’s efforts.


Tom Wills grave restoration project reveals football’s heart, soul and history



  1. Peter Fuller says

    Rapt to see this on my Guardian email earlier this afternoon, Phil. Congratulations, you made the valid points and Russell handled the story with sensitivity and thoughtfulness. It’s great to see the issue (and the Almanac) reaching a wider audience.
    Litza has a cracking review of the Giants-Dogs match on the Grauniad also.

  2. Phillip Dimitriadis says

    Thanks Peter. I was lucky enough to have a really good conversation with Russell at the graveside. Footy Almanac deserves most plaudits for the initiative.

    Russell has a great piece on Vin Cattogio today. Here is the link:

  3. Keiran Croker says

    Great article. And good to see some momentum gathering. Well done again Phil.

  4. Yep that’s a fine acknowledgement, Phil, of what has been such an important project.

    You have previously mentioned the very personal element of the story.
    And that has added a huge gravitas to what was already a significant undertaking.
    Really – this is superb.


  5. Phillip Dimitriadis says

    Cheers Keiran and thanks again for contributing and supporting the project. Hopefully, this will act as a spur for a greater appreciation for Tom Wills and a tangible effort by cashed up sporting authorities to ensure than coming generations are aware of the legacy he left and benefit from it. Indigenous cricket scholarships could be a start considering the powerful 1866 story.

    Thanks ER, appreciate your support from day one when the first piece was penned (since redacted) in early 2015. If my story can encourage one person to seek help and turn their life around it would be worth it.

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