Almanac Horseracing: The Muse is musing on Cousin Harry

The Muse is musing on a cracking day of racing which featured Cousin Harry Coffey. This yarn oozes the Mallee.

The Muse: Musing on The Cup of 2019

Three O’Briens trained one third of the field for the 2019 Melbourne Cup and it was the Irish Australian from Ky who saddled up the winner. The Muse muses on Danny Boy and Vow and Declare. [Animated piece for someone who didn’t back the winner – JTH]

John “Patto” Patterson: from Legacy larrikin to living legend

Racing is all about people, and one such person is John “Patto” Patterson, Clerk of the Course at Flemington for over 50 years. Roger Lowrey reviews a recent biography of this legend by Trevor Hastings.

Almanac Racing: Debacle

Crio ponders the conspiracy theory about the abandonment of the Sandown races on Wednesday while looking for inspiration this weekend

Almanac Racing: a heavy calendar

Plenty on the box this weekend before Crio even starts thinking seriously about Caulfield

Punters protest Palentino result

First past the post. You betcha!