The balmy army sat there calmly

well….for just a little while

thought they had the old foe down and out

so they chanted, yelled and smiled

openers smacked the ball around

Australia in a pickle

but balmy army hadn’t counted

on a startling spell from Bichel

he used the humps and hit the stumps

made the Poms look silly

no better bowling had they seen

since when Massey bowled with Lillie

but when Australia came to bat

the luck was not with them

world champs flat out on the mat

then Bichel struck again

tore a nation’s heart apart

with bat as well as ball

the ghost of Jardine just departed

how the once mighty fall

I reckon that’s twelve straight mate

strewff now…. ain’t that funny

Australia is the firing squad

while England is the bunny

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