Book and reunion: The History of the Northern United FC


Trevor Ludeman Sept Specialists


Northern United history book The September Specialists 1949-1996, 46 years, 2100 games, 130 finals, 33 Grand Finals for 16 Premierships. The book has been finalised at 140 pages, covering the early years prior to amalgamation, with Premierships teams of Kamarooka, Neilborough, Sebastian and Raywood through to the Northern United Premierships of all teams and runners up through to 1989. Some 77 photos from all finals campaigns, B&F winners comprising a history of each finals campaign, life members etc. It also includes team photos from NUJFC.

This coloured book will be of limited print edition, with 100 prints required to enable publication.

The cost will be $50 a book so please be prompt in ordering so I can determine the feasibility of ordering 100 copies. If 100 orders can be obtained by the end of this week I aim to have it available at the 13 June reunion at the Raywood recreation Reserve (Calivil United v Inglewood).

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