Watto’s Almanac


Australia’s Gabba Test win got Almanac website readership up to Footy Finals levels on Monday with nearly 3,000 hits.  The many great pieces on matters cricketing, sporting, community and family attracted terrific interest across Australia and the web.  Thanks to all our contributors – both writers and commentators.

As thanks from a grateful Almanac nation we are sending our heroes a copy of the new Almanac book.

Anyone seen Watto’s paints and crayons?


  1. PB – A great past Fitzroy player died recently – Ray Slocum. Very sad. The funeral was last Friday. At the funeral the Fitzroy legend Kevin Murray delivered the eulogy. During the eulogy the Footy Almanac got a mention. In fact, Kevin Murray had a copy in his hand and held it up to the congregation. So now it gets mentions in the halls of religion, not just the halls of humanity (pubs).

  2. Interesting observation Dips. It got me wondering if any other sport or nation attracts a guild of writers such as the Almanac followers Dips?

    EPL maybe? Gridiron or baseball? Anyone know of one?

  3. Just so long as you don’t send the cricketers a copy of my Day 1 review of the Gabba Test.

  4. Wrap – not aware of any. And if they did it wouldn’t be anywhere near as good.

    The world is our oyster.

  5. Dips,
    that is amazing.

  6. Interesting story Dips. Long may the Almanac continue to grow and remain community based. It has become a major part of my sporting life.

  7. Paul Daffey says


    I interviewed Ray Slocum once. He played in Fitzroy’s last game at Brunswick Street, in 1966, and he was back there for Fitzroy’s return to the ground in 2000, albeit the Fitzroy amateur team.

    Good fella. Had a very open smile.

  8. Malcolm Ashwood says

    I reckon make , Watto pay for a copy of , Kates brilliant painting and he could spend hours colouring it in working on his technique and JTH I would charge him $ 30 and just keep adding noughts . Thanks Peter and Thanks Dips Brilliant thoughtful post

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