The Merger: a new footy film by Damian Callinan

Based on the successful show of the same name, The Merger is a comedy/drama that centres on the plight facing many footy clubs in rural and regional Australia – the dreaded choice between merging and folding.


Enter Troy “Town Killer” Carrington – who broke his leg running through the banner in a Grand Final and “broke” the Bodgy Creek economy through his indirect closure of the town’s sawmill – who sees a way to help the team, club, and town by looking to the recently arrived refugee residents.





  1. Looking forward to seeing this flick.

  2. Mark Duffett says

    I saw The Merger today. The curmudgeonly quibbles first: Bodgy Creek are more an inner city hipster’s fantasy of a country footy club and its characters than the real thing is ever likely to be, lead character Troy Carrington in particular an almost painfully perfect paragon of a certain sensibility. But he’s likeable enough to carry the film easily.

    There’s plenty of reasonably staged footy, though the purist will be annoyed by the sound editor, presumably hailing from north of the Barassi Line, who apparently thinks an umpire’s whistle marks every score. The goal umpire’s positioning and signalling in the last scene leaves a bit to be desired, too.

    But don’t get me wrong, this is an enjoyable Australian flick with plenty of good performances and good messages. Well worth seeing.

  3. I popped into the Sun Cinema after work on Monday to watch it.

    Good film.

    I laughed loudly a few times.

    Sport, participation, so important in breaking down barriers, reducing inequality. Yep Mark, it’s set around the corner of the Barassi line. A lot of filming was done in Ganmain, famous for its hay-bale houses and Frank Gumbleton.

    I concur with the points you raised Mark, with it being a comedy, having a message. Like the Dish, the Castle, etc, it is particularly Australian in so many ways and a film i’m happy to recommend.


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