The Dogs are Barking

The Dogs came out barking in this highly anticipated match. Talk earlier in the week focussed on whether Frank Pritchard was going to cop a suspension for his high shot on Penrith winger David Simmons. He got a week. Most of the betting agencies – if not all, had the Dragons as favourites to win the match.

But not even the suspension of the enforcer could stop the Bulldogs from dominating the forwards the Dragons mustered.

The Dogs showed how they are competition favourites, even though none of the so-called experts will admit it. The Dogs will be there come September- on Saturday night’s performance- they’re specials.

Des Hasler has a bunch of blokes committed to playing an entertaining and disciplined brand of football. And it showed.

Co-hesion was there for the Dogs. Everything they touched turned to gold. Just ask Josh Morris. He nabbed 3 tries. Throw in Greg Eastwood and Bryce Goodwin who scored a try a piece and the team was bursting with confidence. They looked unbeatable.

St George Illawarra were a shadow of their usual penetrable self. Co-hesion had deserted them. So too did their ball handling. The result was a frustrated Dragons side that didn’t seem to get out of second gear. In contrast to the Dogs, everything they touched turned to mud.

The final score was indicative of the way things panned out for the Dogs.

Bulldogs 30 Dragons 4.


About Basil Naimet

I mostly follow two sports: The NRL in Australia and the Premier League in England. I'm taking a fancy to the Coca Cola championships in England too. Education: BA (UNSW) currently undertaking a Master of Journalism and Communication (UNSW). Im a bit of a fitness man as well.( I like to exersize regularly)

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