Almanac Rugby League: Yes, Virginia, there is meaning in rugby league

We reprise John Harms’ George Lovejoy Memorial Lecture to provide a context to our rugby league feature piece on Thursday. Enjoy this insight for its own intrinsic value and then, on Thursday, see how the theory plays out in regional Queensland.

Almanac Rugby League – Redcliffe Dolphins turn 70

First published in The Guardian, this article by Joe Gorman takes a look at one of the country’s great football clubs, the Redcliffe Dolphins which turns 70 this year.

Almanac Rugby League – State of Origin, Game 3: Jubilant Queensland (the whole state)

“They won the mental game . They won the physical game. They won the skills game. They passed the magical 50 points mark.” A brilliant reflection on the history of Queensland sport from JJ Leahy, inspired by the magnificent performance of JT, Cam Smith and…well, all of them really.