Of Bogans and Burqas

By Phil Dimitriadis The AFL celebrates multicultural round this week. Its catchcry is: “Many cultures, one game”. Possibly, but there is more to promoting cross-cultural understanding than just vacuous slogans and panegyric rhetoric. People from diverse cultural backgrounds are still seen as a novelty and until this changes  Australian football will not realistically reflect the [Read more]

Down at Kardinia Park…A Tradition Lives on

The long drive, the old footy music over the West Gate Bridge, entering Geelong, the Ford free parking and finally: The Game begins. That’s what footy is all about…tradition. When my Grandfather first came to Australia, he was asked to pick an AFL footy team, so he picked Geelong because of the colours – blue [Read more]

Migrants and Footy Excerpts

Phil Dimitriadis The stories have started to come in for the upcoming book about migrants and footy. Today we feature passages from Peter Zitterschlager and Roy Hay. Peter’s background is a mix of German, Slovenian and Footscratian while Roy hails from Scotland and has ties with soccer royalty in the old country, while supporting Geelong [Read more]

Writing Frank

                                             By  Nancy Sugarman The only sound on the phone was from Frank. A long whistling sigh, like someone expiring. I didn’t know what to say. He cried softly when he told me. Not sobbing, [Read more]

Migrants and Footy

Phil Dimitriadis be speaking with Lindy Burns tonight on ABC 774 at 7.30pm about Migrants and Footy. Hope Knackers get a chance to listen in, send a text or  call if you have a story to share.