Almanac Poetry: ‘From The Village to Victoria Park’

We reprise from 2009 a wonderful poem by Phil Dimitriadis, an ode to his father.

Almanac Book Review: Phil Dimitriadis on Damian Balassone’s ‘Strange Game in a Strange Land’

Phil Dimitriadis has followed the emergence of Damian Balassone as a poet since 2008. They have a fair bit in common, as this review essay suggests. ‘Strange Game in a Strange Land’ will resonate with those who love words and the game.

Almanac Teams: 100 Games – No Finals: A Team of Star-crossed stars

As finals time approaches, Phil Dimitriadis spares a thought for those players who never experienced finals action.

Almanac Teams: A Team of Injury Plagued Stars

Phil Dimitriadis returns with another team, this one a little more heartbreaking than most. Read on for his list of talented players cut down by injury & feel free to add your own suggestions in the comments!

Almanac Teams: A Team of Footy Franks

Phil Dimitriadis continues his run of Funny Teams, this time with a Team of Franks. What do you call a collection of Franks?

An identity for us all

Phil Dimitriadis has a satirical look at identity at AFL matches and how it may affect where like minded supporters may sit. The Hipster Terrace, or perhaps The Tattooed and Toothless Terrace, where will you sit?

Almanac Teams: A team of Dougs

Phil Dimitriadis produces another team of flashbacks that includes some genuine stars called Doug to celebrate Sir Doug Nicholls round.

Almanac Teams: How good are these Scotts ?

How good is this team? Phil Dimitriadis captures the spirit of the moment.

Almanac Teams – A Festival of Freds

Fabulous Phil Dimitriadis has come up with a festival of Freds in this cracking team of Freds.

Almanac Footy Teams – Crikey, colossal Cols!: A team of Colins

Inspired by editor Col Ritchie’s recent story about a roomful of Colins, Phil Dimitriadis gives you a team of Colins in this installment of novelty teams.

Almanac Footy Teams – Ken-oath they were good!: A Team of Kens

No Barbies here, just Kens! Phil Dimitriadis excells himself once again with a fabulous team of footy Kens.

Almanac Footy Teams – Bert and Ernie Muppets both, a footy team they’d love to coach

Sesame Street, The Muppets, what’ve they got to do with footy? Berts and Ernies of course! Phil Dimitriadis has come up with another corker of a footy team.

Almanac Footy Teams – A team of Rays

Many Rays of brilliance shine through in this sunny team of Rays from Phil Dimitriadis. Any Rays’ fail to filter through?

Almanac Footy Teams – The proudest Dicks!

Some great Dicks here that could handle a ball or two according to Phil Dimitriadis. Can you enter a few more Dicks into the play?

Almanac Footy Teams – A salute to the Waning Waynes

There’s a world of Waynes out there, and Phil Dimitriadis rhapsodises about a team of just Waynes. Has he left anyone out?

Almanac Footy Teams: A team of Jeffs/Geoffs

Hallelujah! Some decent Jeffs/Geoffs have donned an AFL/VFL guernsey over the years. Anyone “jeffed” and left out of the team? Phil Dimitriadis has come up with a cracker!

Almanac Footy Teams – Where for art thou Ian?: A team of Ians

A team of Ians you say! Don’t be a blockhead, hit me with your rhythm stick and drum out your Ians says Almanacker Phil.

Almanac Teams – The Last of the Bruces?

At the suggestion of Almanacker and Collingwood fellow-traveller, Damian Balassone, Phil Dimitriadis was given the challenge of coming up with a team of Bruces, and here it is.

Almanac Teams: The Brightest Brians

“Welease Bwian!” Or at least, release a team of Brians. Phil Dimitriadis looks at the many lives of footballing Brians.

Almanac Teams: Why have we killed the Bills?

Phil Dimitriadis wonders what happened to all the Bills? Do you have the answer? And do you reckon he’s missed anyone?