Soccer in New South Wales 1880-1980 by Phil Mosely


Roy Hay Moseley cover


Soccer fans will be interested in Philip Mosely’s new book, Soccer in New South Wales, 1880–1980, Sports and Editorial Services Australia and Vulgar Press, Bannockburn and Carlton, 2015, RRP. $39.95 from all good booksellers via Dennis Jones and Associates. More details at


  1. Dr Rocket says

    Good work by Phil. I first saw him present on the history of soccer in Newcastle at a Sports History conference in 1982. It inspired my work on the early history of footy in the Riverina.

    Great to see him being respectful about the name of the game, and not confusing us by calling it football. For most people in NSW there are four distinct codes of football:
    Rugby league, Rugby Union, Australian football, and soccer.

    Well done Phil, I look forward to the read!

  2. Dennis Gedling says

    For anyone in WA that is interested in a subject similar to this Sydneysider Leslie Street will be giving a talk on Australian Soccer/Football in the post war period at the WA Sports History Forum next Monday night at the Game Sportsbar (the old Aberdeen Hotel).

    It was an interesting time with the influx of post ww2 immigrants coming to Australia among other things. More details here-

  3. Yes Phil’s work on paper and in conferences and classes inspired a lot of people.Hope you enjoy the chance to read the book, Dr R. Les Street will give you great value, Dennis. He is a great advertisement for the game and his work on stadia is ground breaking. I was about to say literally, but I really mean figuratively.

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