Saints Round 21: Going Down the Toilet

Yvette Wroby’s take on the weekend.

About Yvette Wroby

Yvette Wroby writes, cartoons, paints through life and gets most pleasure when it's about football, and more specifically the Saints. Believes in following dreams and having a go.


  1. This year’s Almanac cover?

  2. Don’t worry Yvette, you’re free! As a Dog that’s how I think of things. The pressure is off , and we can resume our normal role of shaping, and not making the finals. Rejoice!

  3. Matt Zurbo says

    Haha. Fantastic! (the drawing, not the state of affairs)

  4. Dear Gigs, Jim and Matt,

    being football tragics, we all need a sense of humour and creative outlet. Being a supporter of “never quite there yet” team Saints, the cartoons are pouring out of me this week. Thank goodness for the artistic vent!

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