Perth BBQ and book collection

Peter Baulderstone and Les Everett will be hosting a BBQ, complete with beer and 2012 Footy Almanacs this Thursday, December 20, from 6-8pm.

Peter’s place can be found at Bedford (north of the river). Call him on 0424 768 988 for his address. Please RSVP for catering purposes – sausages don’t grow on trees.

All Knackers not in the book are welcome, so long as they ring first so Peter knows how many. These are always fun events so drop in for a snag and a chat about footy.


  1. Snorers welcome?

  2. Shandy says Harms is welcoming back, but he is not accepting anyone who snores louder than his growl.
    Shandy asked me to pass on Christmas greetings to Chappy and all other Almanac hounds. He says he was neglected for most of winter, but is getting more walks these days so long as his owner is off the plonk.
    I have spoken to the Avenging Eagle about his grievances.

  3. Merry Christmas to you, Shandy and TAE.

    PJF (Apprehended at Salmon Gums and looking to see asylum in Hutt River)

  4. PB and Les; two little peas in a pod.

    I hope it went well.

    Look forward to resuming hostilities into the new year.

  5. Apparently in 2013 Western Australia is seceeding from the Commonwealth but we’re picking up New Zealand in the draft.

    All the best to the West for Christmas.

  6. Didn’t go all that well at PeterB’s in Bedford last night. Me and Sean Gorman rocked up. Sean had a carton (that’s the way he travels), we were ready to rock. Anyway PeterB meets at the door and says we’ve gotta wear a Beau is Tough T-shirt and one of those NicNat hair things. We refused, there was a bit of push and shove and me and Sean buggered off to a party in Inglewood that we’d read about on Facebook.
    I did take a peek through the door and saw Nathan Jarvis and David Zampatti inside all NicNatted up… hope they had a good time.
    I can’t remember the party but I do remember me and Sean making a pact that we’re never gonna go north of the river again… ever… except to see the Dockers play.

  7. nathan jarvis says

    That’s actually my natural hair. Sans product. I thought I could let it all go free among friends.

    Thanks to the Baulderstones for the sausages and conviviality – and for keeping out the riffraff.

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