On William Hogarth’s The Graham Children (1742)


The Graham Children, by William Hogarth, oil on canvas, 1742. National Gallery, London. [Wikimedia Commons.]



On William Hogarth’s The Graham Children (1742)


In the background, the eyes of the family cat glare
scaring a caged bird.
Note the clock on the left,
surmounted by Cupid wielding a scythe,
suggesting that childhood is short;
then, there’s the boy on the right
happily playing with his music box,
apparently believing the bird
is singing along with his joyful tune
when instead its song is one of terror
at the nearby cat.
And Daniel Graham’s four children
look to have stepped into light
ahead of enveloping gloom.





(Acknowledgements: poem first appeared in Burrow journal, 2021, then in my fifth collection of poetry, Please Feed the Macaws…I’m Feeling Too Indolent, Ginninderra Press, 2023.)



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Kevin Densley’s latest poetry collection, Please Feed the Macaws…I’m Feeling Too Indolent, is available HERE


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Kevin Densley is a graduate of both Deakin University and The University of Melbourne. He has taught writing and literature in numerous Victorian universities and TAFES. He is a poet and writer-in-general. His fifth book-length poetry collection, Please Feed the Macaws ... I'm Feeling Too Indolent, was published in late 2023 by Ginninderra Press. He is also the co-author of ten play collections for young people, as well as a multi Green Room Award nominated play, Last Chance Gas, published by Currency Press. Other writing includes screenplays for educational films.


  1. Matt Gately says

    Cheers Kevin, it’s a pretty grim picture when you look closely, plenty of momento mori. It’s even grimmer when you learn that the infant died before Hogarth finished it.

  2. Kevin Densley says

    Thanks for your comments, Matt. I certainly agree with them.

    There’s a lot going on in the painting we are dealing with.

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