My Story as a Goalkeeper
We used to play footy on the oval. We were all devastated to hear that both goal squares were being worked on because the grass was ruined. We asked the school if we could buy some soccer goals and then they went and bought them. We were thrilled to be able to play a sport at recess and lunch. We started to get really into soccer. At the start of lunch, we would pick teams. The captains were always Ryan and Oly, as they were the best players out of the group of us and played outside of school. I was always the first picked as I was one of the best players there.
One day I had a sore leg, so I was picked to be one of the goalkeepers. This was the turning point of my life in sport. I played the game and performed extremely well and from then on I was always the first pick to be a goalkeeper. It got to the point where I was very good at goalkeeping and I was offered by both my friends, Oly and Ryan to play soccer at their current clubs. I was more friendly with Ryan, so I played with his team, Mornington Soccer Club. I also got into the Australian Football School team, which Oly was in and I made a name for myself being very good at goalkeeping. In my first year playing at Mornington, I received the player’s player award, which you receive when you are voted the best player by your teammates.
My second year was not extremely successful, but in my third year of soccer we picked up some new players. We won the A-league and then went on to the state finals. We got to the grand final and were trying to be named the best team in the state. We were up 2-1 for most of the game until in the last five minutes the other side Bulleen scored two goals, the winning goal being the last kick of the game. The real gut punch was that I got a hand to the second goal. I still blame myself for not making the save, but then again if it wasn’t for my previous performances, I’m not sure that would be in that position to start with. This was a devastating moment for my team and has been the lowest point in my soccer career.
There have been many highlights of my career. Making it individually to the state level in state trials, getting into the Bluetongues representative team but there was a particular moment that I will never forget. At my time at Mornington we had the rivals of Doveton, who were always the top team. They smashed everyone they versed and had been undefeated in four years. We came up against them, we were second on the ladder and this would decide who went ahead to the top of the ladder. I had the game of a lifetime and made many crucial saves that contributed to the astounding performance that my team carried out. We scored in the last minute and beat Doveton 3-2. This was the best time I have had so far in my soccer experience.
After realizing that I had talent at the sport, I continued to follow my passion. A new league was introduced called the National Premier League, which was for the elite players of each state to go into. I tried out for one of the participating teams, Dandenong City. There were a number of goalkeepers trying out but I came out on top. I received the placing of first goalkeeper. Meaning that I would be the first choice goalkeeper for the season ahead.
Dandenong City is my current club. We have not been performing at our best this season. We are a very new team, some of the other teams have been playing for a number of years together. All of the old Doveton players went to the new elite team of Dandenong Thunder. They are on the top of the ladder now and they are a very strong side.
I am very happy with my performance as a goalkeeper over the last few years. I have made a number of elite teams and have made a name for myself at most clubs I have played at. It is my dream to pursue my passion and talent at this sport. I train hard and always try my best to perform my best and impress the clubs and people that watch me. This is my story about how I became a goalkeeper, how I have performed over the years I have played and my ups and downs of goalkeeping.
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