Cam Hooke’s Collingwood Life: Review – Finals Week 1: 1st Qualifying Final


Greetings, True Believers. Step 1 – done. Next week off; then Step 2 a week later – Prelim.


Have you noticed the significant attention the Collingwood Army and, more broadly Collingwood supporters, have been getting, particularly from the Club?



I love the ‘Collingwwooooood’ chant at the end of this.


Makes you proud to be a Pies’ supporter. All worth watching. Be proud. Being a Collingwood supporter at times can be challenging. There are times when it feels like everyone who is not an avowed Pies’ supporter is highly critical of us. But there are a few of us out there;  you are not on your own.


Go Pies.


Finals Week 1 – 1st Qualifying Final


Collingwood 9.6.60 defeated Melbourne 7.11.53.


Interested in the Favouritism for the game? Betting changed:


  • 29 August – we were Favourites: $1.84 / $2.00;
  • Early 7 September – we were still Favourites: $1.84 / $1.96; and
  • 1 hour before the bounce – Melbourne Favourites: $1.92 / $1.88.


 Goals scored:


Q1: 4 (us) / 1 (them) – a great start establishing a First Break lead of 20 Points;

Q2: 1 / 1 – a Quarter they Won 1.1 to 1.4 taking 3 Points off our lead;

Q3: 4 / 2 – leading to a Final Change lead of 25 Points; and

Q4: 0 / 3 – resulting in a high-stress environment for the long suffering Pies’ supporters. And I’m getting heartily sick of the commentators talking up whoever is playing us; and


Total: 9 / 7 – see the comments relating to Scoring Shots below. This could have been much closer (maybe). But we Won by 7 Points.




Coach’s This really worth watching. McRae, on his birthday as it was noted, was quite up front about the game and how each team played to their strengths – for us: Transition, Flow, Movement and Score. As he has done before, he suggested the team ignore the statistics and “find a way to Win”. See some comments on this below.


Report from the rooms after the game: In addition to Bobby’s interview, above, go to, Sidebottom’s views.




Measure Statistics Remarks
Disposals 319 / 325 As I’ve said previously, I usually don’t usually rate this number. What it can show, even with similar numbers, is the difference in the style of play. For example they dominated Handballs whereas we tended to kick and mark (see below).
Hit Outs 48 / 33 This number surprised me though I did think Cox did well early on.
Clearances 40 / 44 This statistic is also a surprise. It seems to indicate that our Midfield lost the Midfield battle in spite of a HO lead.
   from Centre 7 / 12
    from Stoppages 33 / 32
Inside 50s 37 / 69 Absolutely critical. This should have reflected a match-winning comparison. Then apply the DE Inside 50 comparison.
Goals scored 9 / 7 Follows on from Inside 50s and DE Inside 50, perhaps without explaining the extraordinary margin.
Scoring Shots 15 / 18 The ratio of Scoring Shots is very different to the Goals scored – maybe the result of our pressure on them but they also missed a lot of ‘sitters’ – some quite extraordinary. If their scoring shots had been more successful, the game could have been much closer.
Disposal Efficiency 65.2% / 66.2% No difference. Next is important.
DE Inside 50 40.5% / 33.3% This is a significant difference – 7.2% difference over 40’ish% is a 15% overall margin. The result? They got the ball into the 50 significantly more frequently than us, but we used it far more effectively. The combination of the two statistics leads to our match-winning score result.
Marks 77 / 68 Relates to “keep’ens off” attitude of domination through small kicks (UCP) and marks at various times trying to slow the game down.
Marks Inside 50 8 / 9 No difference.
Tackles Inside 50 9 / 13 Significant in support of DE inside 50s to our detriment.
Players with DE > 80 % 5 / 3
Tackles 62 / 61 Important. Combined, this would indicate the pressure inflicted by the Pies was lower than theirs. The impression I got was that the pressure by each side dominated for periods – us for Q1, 2 and 3; them for Q4. This mirrored which side decided how the game would be played.
Contested Possessions 139 / 153
1 %’ers 63 / 51
Uncontested Possessions 163 / 164
Free Kicks 14 / 20 Whatever.


Best: The AFL website identifies our Best as Sidebottom, Crisp, Quaynor, Hill, Moore and De Goey. I would be tempted to add Hoskin-Elliott (20 Disposals, 5 Tackles, 2 Inside 50s, 2 Score Involvement, 8 Intercept Possessions and 468 metres Gained) and Mitchell (21 D, 4 T, 4 Clearances, 2 I50, 3 SI, 5 IP and 231 mG). Everyone had their moment. When you focus on Q4 it is worthwhile noting the Backs’ contribution – Intercept Possessions for the game – Moore – 11, Quaynor – 9, Howe – 8, Hoskin-Elliott – 8, Maynard – 7, Mitchell – 5 and Sidebottom – 5. Just an example.


Game / Deductions / Lessons.


A real pleasure to watch; well up to the Final Change maybe – the Pies in full flight linking between close and far colleagues, ultimately resulting in positive scores. Wonderful pressure by all consistently throughout most of the game. There were many examples especially in Q1 demonstrating a shift away from selfish shots on goal. Well done to all.


As McRae reinforces each week, the team is in a constant process of improvement. As such, without casting any doubt on the Win, there are a few things that we could still improve on. A couple of specific comments in addition to those included in the Table, above:


  • Work for four Quarters; not three. When you look at the game, we allowed Melbourne back into the game in Q4. Look at the difference between the teams’ combination of Contested Possessions, Tackles and 1 %’ers. Some good moves – Elliott into the Backline – he’s a great mark;
  • Our defence, the foundation of our team strength in the past was significantly improved. A priority needs to be given to this as our foundation strength;
  • We need to continue to  work on passing the ball within the 50 to get the ball to better-placed players. This was much improved but we should consider a ‘hard shot’ at goal as a waste getting it into the 50. We should focus on Goal Assist (GA) statistics in preference to Goals scored;
  • Combined with that, we should kick more to leading forwards rather than high pack-marks;
  • A continuing issue – our kick-in’s continue to be too slow and subject to interception. We badly need to fix this. There needs to be a very clear plan on how to execute this. In Q4 we were seriously unable to get the ball out of their 50. We need to sit down and plan how to achieve this?
  • Midfield control is essential to add to our drive from the Backline, not just out of the Centre. Our Midfield was beaten in Clearances; and
  • Suggested manning changes to reflect our next opponent in about 10 days once we know who we are playing and we have further information on our potential absences (see below).


Your views?


Injuries. McStay? De Goey?.


Ground Reports. Now I know some of you were there, in the rain. Reporting please? Let’s see some reporting, please, from those who couldn’t attend but watched the game on TV – all views are welcomeAnd always Reply to All please?


Your comments?


Next – Week 3


How do the Finals work? Go to See Flow Diagram.


Your choices / ideas?


  • Importance: This game can take us to the Grannie.
  • History. TBA.
  • Structure? To play the opponent. TBA.
  • Application? Largely no change – Application for four full Quarters. Hold the tackles. Establish and maintain control of the game (Contested Possessions).
  • Game Plan? No change to the current plan – Drive out of the Backline as well as the Midfield. Use varied entry to the 50 and be willing to move the ball to a better-placed goal scorer than delivering to packs. Crumb around packs. Importantly, I’d like to see the kick-in progress more smoothly out of the Backline – I think speed, planning and preparedness have a lot to do in achieving this.

My Picks:


Once we know who we are playing. Win by ?


Weather.  TBA.


TV:      TBA.




  • Then?
  • Finals: Week 2: 15 – 16 September – Semi-Finals. Week off for us.
  • Finals: Week 3: 22 – 23 September – Preliminary Finals – Collingwood versus ?; and
  • Finals: Grand Final – 30 September – Collingwood versus ?.
  • The Ladder. Keep an eye on the Ladder as we approach the Finals. Have a look at recent results and moves. As above, who could have expected a Season to finish like this one? Your thoughts?



  • VFL – The VFL side finished their season with a disappointing Loss to Williamstown. On to 2024.
  • Anything that you would like to inform our members of, just to all or send it to me.


Believe always. Go Pies.





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  1. Cam
    I hope you have the Bollinger on ice.
    Carringbush may overcome those wobbles as Joan B would say or sing.
    Will Mitch be celebrating with you if the wobbles and wiggles don’t proliferate.
    He was a darn good footballer and even a better bloke
    Is your motto still Sic Itur ad astra?
    I’m sure you are not a nervous nellie.
    The guy with the golden jacket is sadly missed.
    Don’t remember him being in Mackie with you.though there were a few oddballs and dodgy ones.

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