Well, I’d been looking forward all week to my Saturday night.

Yes, according to my friends and colleagues I live a fairly staid lifestyle but in my little world – a winter’s night in on the couch watching my AFL team followed by the national soccer team at the World Cup IS an enjoyable evening.

Of course, this was all in anticipation that things would go to plan as far as gameplay and results were concerned.

I guess I should have telepathically related this to both the Carlton team and the Socceroos, although it has to be said the latter put in a very good performance despite certain hurdles and finished with a creditable while not preferable result.

The Blues of course were another subject entirely in their game against the surprise package of 2010 season – Fremantle.

I don’t know why it never occurred to me that they wouldn’t perform at top skill level and pace even despite the last minute adjustments to the team line-up, in order to facilitate my evening of anticipated sporting enjoyment.

I watched the first two quarters with the mixed emotions of disbelief and frustration.

Why do the players in the backline insist on hand passing excessively and do it around the boundary line?

I constantly hear the phrase ‘through the corridor’ used by commentators, analysts and former players alike, as the desired forward movement of the ball for optimal results.

Going wide occasionally is one thing, but consistently is surely just wasting space, time and effort.

I remember watching the Collingwood match at the MCG earlier in the season where it was the overuse of handball that was Carlton’s undoing – a point conceded in post-match analysis by the coach.

While much has been made of Carlton’s shooting inaccuracy – 2.12 in the first half – there has been no mention of the fact that they fought back with a ten goal three behind second half, proving they can focus and apply themselves.

Despite losing Kreuzer to a season-ending knee injury which was excruciating to watch as the television broadcaster insisted on replaying the footage ad-infinitum, the final result of a nine point loss was not a disgrace, especially against a team that is positioned in the top three on the league ladder.

What was disappointing was that this ultimately close result was achieved despite shooting inaccuracy, poor delivery and skill execution throughout the game.

So needless to say my Saturday night did not turn out as I had hoped – with the sense of satisfaction that I had, perhaps prematurely, anticipated.

Let’s hope the week’s break, afforded by the season’s split round, enables the Blues’ players to reassess their endeavour as well as their execution.

And stop handballing so much in the defensive half…  It’s football – KICK IT!!!

About Jill Scanlon

Blues fan and sports lover. Development through sports advocate; producer, journalist and news follower. Insanely have returned to p/t study - a Masters of International & Community Development. Formerly with ABC International / Radio Australia in Melbourne.

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