Edward P. Olsen wonders whether Novak Djokovic’s US Open semi-final opponent, Alexander Zverev, will have accusations made by his former girlfriend raised during commentary of the match.
Almanac Tennis: Novak Djokovic v Alexander Zverev: What the Commentators Won’t Say
Almanac Olympics – Tokyo 2020: Thoughts From the Couch
Edward P. Olsen runs through a laundry list of the recently wound up Tokyo Olympics’ best and most entertaining moments for a family watching on from an Australian couch.
Grand Final – Richmond v Geelong: Two Little Tigers
When Edward P. Olsen’s young children chose to barrack for the Tigers back in 2016 he was expecting they would have some tough lessons awaiting them. It hasn’t worked out as anticipated.
Round 2 – Gold Coast v West Coast: The kid arrives
Edward P. Olsen, Hawthorn supporter, has a new favourite player.
Almanac Flashback – #putoutyourbats
Edward P Olsen reprises his thoughts about the tragedy of Phillip Hughes on the fifth anniversary of his death.
Almanac Oracle Competition 2019 – Presenting Oracle Dave Brown
The Almanac Oracle Competition 2019 has been contested and won. Edward P Olsen explains how it all came down to the finest of margins – and names the winner.
Round 21 – GWS v Hawthorn: Records Tumble
Multiple records tumbled, along with the snow, at the Giants v Hawthorn match in Canberra – both on and off the field. The observant Edward P Olsen ensures that we appreciate their full array, even if not all of them will find a place in the official records.
The Almanac Oracle Challenge, 2019 – An Update
How did you fare in the Almanac Oracle Challenge? Edward P. Olsen reports results for 9 of the 15 questions are known and the leading contenders at this stage are listed. Check it out.
Missing Martin Flanagan and Why I Subscribe to the Almanac
Edward P. Olsen reflects on an Almanac favourite: former writer for The Age and doyen of inviting prose, Martin Flanagan. In response to Flanagan’s absence from the paper’s pages, Edward has turned increasingly to the stories on this very site. [Wonderful – Ed.]
The Almanac Oracle Challenge, 2019
Want to be the Almanac Oracle for 2019? Edward P Olsen has come up with a cracker of a concept. Correctly predict the questions presented by him, and you may be the lucky recipient of the AO come season end.
Almanac Footy Literature: Ten Memorable Passages
Edward P. Olsen presents a fantastic selection of passages from some of the most memorable written works about Australian football he has read.
Almanac (Cricket) Reflection: Taking the kid to the Test
Taking his 7 year old son to his first Test match at Manuka reminded Edward P. Olsen of his own experiences of his first Test match. And, the speed of parenthood is also brought clearly home to him as he reflected. Beautiful piece.
“I can’t wait to see us bowl, Dad”
The love of Test cricket, in fact all forms of cricket by his young son has been a joy to behold for Edward P Olsen as he explains.
How to write an opinion piece on the death of Test cricket
One of the key questions of the summer is soon to be answered says Edward P. Olson. Aussie sports connoisseurs are desperate to learn which sports columnist will be the first to proclaim that Test cricket will soon be dead. He explains how to write an opinion piece about it.
A six year old’s Saturday in August
Fatherhood and the joy of a footy loving, (and cricket loving) six year old son as expressed by Edward Olsen.
The Demise of Sports Illustrated
Like any fan of good sports storytelling and writing, Edward P Olsen expresses his disappointment at the demise of “Sports Illustrated” as management implement changes to the magazine.