Almanac (Holiday) Life: Another Christmas Day






It’s that wonderful time of the year again
When Dad gets to make his crack
You know, the really hilarious one
About Santa’s sweaty sack


When it ticks past ten then Mum’s allowed
Her first nip of the sacred wine
And to hurry up those festive stragglers
With the cry, “It’s music time!”


The kids want cheery carols
But the oldies get the call
Here’s the yearly gravy gospel
From the venerable St Paul


Now they clear the backyard pitch
Of the jacaranda flowers
So the cricket playing cousins
Can fend away the Christmas hours


While the adults cool abundant meats
Roasted in the morning oven
Dodging those f*#king taped up tennis balls
That swinging suburban invention


The talk it turns to tomorrow’s Test
The Poms in complete disarray
Fourth beer question seriously posed:
Will the match last all of Boxing Day?


“Not if the players aren’t wearing masks,”
Says careless Auntie Iris
And just like that, before they knew it
Oh God, they’re talking ‘bout the virus!


Vaxes! Fascism or public health?
Facts and truth no longer matching
Like SloMo’s latest strange man claim
That it’s sunburn we’ll all be catching


In time, though, wiser heads prevail
By serving pav rich as a pirate’s booty
Then bring them back to common ground
“Let’s talk about the footy!”


Words and drink both slowing down
Afternoon turns to evening
Gentler colours fill the sky
People look to leaving
Disagreements packed awayExtended families happy to have survived


Another Christmas Day.


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  1. Colin Ritchie says

    Brought a smile to my face Patrick, thanks for sharing.

  2. A hell of a lot of truth in that,Patrick thank you

  3. I hope people recognise the genius in these observations. Thank you for reminding me that pav and footy talk cure all. Happy Christmas.

  4. Great words Patrick that resonate to all of us. Christmas Day with all the rellies around. Should be held every three months just to get families together.

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