Almanac Music : Top Albums of 2024





Mark Seymour has quietly put together an exceptional solo career that I could make an argument shades in quality his earlier higher profile life in the mighty Hunters & Collectors. His solo work has gone up another notch since being joined by his awesome band The Undertow, featuring guitarist Cameron McKenzie, John Favaro on bass and Peter Maslen on drums. The album, born in Covid times during which Seymour and his long time wife separated, is a wonderfully crafted record that deals with Seymour’s life issues yet is uplifting and forward looking. Seymour has never sung or written better. My album of the year.

Songs to add to your playlist- The Boxer, Stars of Fitzroy, All My Rage




Written in a haunted apartment that Traicos was staying in, Swansongs deals with the rise and fall of a relationship that has delivered an exquisite piano based album showcasing the artist’s wonderful voice and lyrical talent, well complemented by trumpet, flugelhorn, bass clarinet and cello from some talented musicians. Traicos’ storytelling has elevated with this release and you are drawn into her story as she takes us on her journey. A classy masterpiece from an ultra consistent performer. I was lucky enough to see Traicos perform the entire Swansongs album solo on piano in Brunswick in October, the songs resonated brilliantly live.

Songs to add to your playlist- A Heartbeat Away, Forgiven, By Your Eyes, Holy Hell





Could there be any band more interesting to follow than the prolific and experimental King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard? In a nice change from their recent albums that have varied from heavy synth to thrash metal, Flight b741 is a rock album that leans into 70s rock and harmonica filled blues rock. All six members have turns at vocals and the resulting record has the sound of a band at ease. Best of all is lead single “Le Risque”, a progressive bluesy track utilising four vocalists and featuring a fantastic video filmed in an aeroplane hangar. The best King Gizz album in several years.

Songs to add to your playlist- Le Risque, Field of Vision, Hog Calling Contest





“Wisdom’s useless, age a prison
Let’s escape with old school TISM”

TISM are back! And in the process have released as good an album as they ever have. Full of easter eggs from their past, this is a joyous romp through TISM past and present. “Old Skool TISM” honours that past well. “Death To Art” and “I’ve Gone Hillsong” show the band still has their wit about current events. “VFA” and “70s Football” are wonderful odes to a different era of footy (“Didn’t play that well, in the VFL, so I did dwell, in the football hell” from “VFA”, “pissin in a can, old Moorabbin, I chucked mine, still feel rotten, damn thing hit Gary Sidebottom” from “70s Football”). Funny song titles, witty lyrics, catchy tunes, it’s everything you’d want from the return of This Is Serious Mum.

Songs to add to your playlist- Old Skool TISM, ’70s Football, Selling Drugs Corner King St and Flinders Lane, I’ve Gone Hillsong, VFA





I still play Custard’s wonderful 2020 album “Respect All Lifeforms” regularly so had eagerly anticipated some new material, but was concerned when the 21 track new album lobbed into my hands. I needn’t have worried, there is no filler on another very strong Custard record. All 21 are punchy, catchy songs, possibly their most fun release. Themes of middle age and love abound. “Vegetarian Squeeze” is a real highlight: “I said to the waiter, I think mine’s the soy, they always try to give it to the girl, not the boy. You said to the waiter, shanks nihari please, and maybe palak paneer for my vegetarian squeeze”. A record that sounds like the band are having a great time.

Songs to add to your playlist- Molecules Colliding, Vegetarian Squeeze, Someday, Never Loved Melbourne






It’s hard for any new work from Crowded House to gain much traction given their wonderful back catalogue, and Gravity Stairs certainly didn’t fare as well as their 2021 release “Dreamers Are Waiting”. But the new lineup, featuring Neil Finn’s sons Liam and Elroy along with original member Nick Seymour and long time alumni Mitchell Froom, is another superb entry in the Crowded House story. Still very much led by Neil Finn on lead singles “Oh Hi” and “Teenage Summer”, the album highlight is 3rd single “The Howl”, written and sung by Liam Finn, a song that could not be more quintessentially Crowded House and maybe a glimpse into the bands future. I like to think “The Howl” would have fitted well into the Crowdies 1994 masterpiece album “Together Alone”, and definitely holds up with any of the band’s great songs.

Songs to add to your playlist- The Howl, Oh Hi, Teenage Summer






After several fantastic EPs, Baby Blue finally released their first full length album in 2024. Led by the talented Rhea Caldwell, this is a fun sounding album despite some heavier themes set to a wonderful 60s rock sound. I’ve been eagerly awaiting a Baby Blue full release for a long time and “Of My Window” lives up to all expectations.

Songs to add to your playlist- Hills Hoist, Human Race





The debut album from Cate Kileva (side project of Catherine Traicos), “How You Love Is How You Die” is a dark, dreamy atmospheric electronic pop album full of catchy songs. Recorded at home and self produced, Traicos’ voice is still the star in an interesting side step in the career of this consistently high quality artist.

Songs to add to your playlist- Bitten, How You Love, A Melancholy





The 3rd album from Jesse Locke is another well crafted, guitar pop album from the Melbourne singer songwriter. Heavy topics (death and the meaning of life) well written with plenty of great guitar work makes this another strong entry in Locke’s catalogue.

Songs to add to your playlist- Uncomfortably Happy, Rocket to Ride, Everybody’s Going to the Same Place






The 3rd album and first full length release from Melbourne’s Obscura Hail in 6 years delivers a wonderful jangly indie rock sound. Playing Dead has a raw upbeat sound and is an engaging listen. I’ve long been a fan of frontman Sean Conran for his vocals and theatrical style, and really enjoyed the vocals of bassist Tamara Issa, giving the album some wonderful harmonies. There’s hints of early Split Enz in Obscura Hail’s sound and I can’t wait to see what the trio come up with next.

Songs to add to your playlist- Paper Rock, Long Play, Paranormie


Other favourite 2024 albums:
West Thebarton- Mongrel Australia
Sarah Blasko- I Just Need To Conquer This Mountain
Missy Higgins- The Second Act
Tori Forsyth- All We Have Is Who We Are
Middle Kids- Faith Crisis Pt 1
Grindspoon- whatever, whatever
The Night Parrots- Songs Won
Fanning Dempsey National Park- The Deluge
Peter Garrett- The True North

Gig of the Year: Hoodoo Gurus at the Palais. Started by playing the “Stoneage Romeos” album on its 40th anniversary in full and in order, followed by a loud, rocking set of hits from all their other albums. Everyone in the room out of their chairs and on their feet from the first song. Awesome show from a legendary band.





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About Luke Reynolds

Cricket and Collingwood tragic. Twitter: @crackers134


  1. Matt Gately says

    Thank you Luke, I’ll be checking out your recommendations, especially the TISM album. But…can’t believe anyone would throw a tinny of piss at Garry Sidebottom. Gary Bosustow certainly, but Sidey? No wonder the regret.

    No room in your best for Wild God by Nck Cave and the Bad Seeds? It rocks and keens and moans like days of yore. Definitely my favourite for 2024.

  2. Karl Dubravs Karl Dubravs says

    Thanks for this Aussie 2024 album retrospective. It’s a very thoughtful list.
    A couple for me to check out – The Night Parrots in particular sound interesting & on deeper investigation, Dan Warner.
    Not on your list – I’m liking Robot God.
    Cheers & may 2025 be good & kind to you.

  3. Mickey Randall says

    Thanks for your annual list, Luke.

    I’m always nervous when an artist makes a comeback after a long hiatus, but the TISM album was excellent. The track partly titled: The Dyslexic King made me laugh out loud just reading it. Will listen to the Peter Garrett album too.

  4. Really interesting list, Crackers. With one or two that I missed along the way.

    I very much liked the Crowded House album but didn’t include it on my list because I was unsure if they are Australian? Haha.

    I’ll be sure to give Swansongs a listen.

  5. Luke Reynolds says

    Thanks Matt! I must admit that Nick Cave for me is often an acquired taste, I’ll give Wild Dog more of a listen.

    Cheers Karl. The Night Parrots album is fantastic and I highly recommend. Will check out Robot God.

    Mickey, one of the song titles of the year! But any read of a TISM track listing is highly entertaining.

    Thanks Smokie, I must admit that Crowded House’s nationality didn’t come into my thinking but perhaps it should have given only one member (Nick Seymour) is Australian (though Liam Finn was born in Melbourne)?

  6. Love these compilations of faves. My music is always a bit stale at this time of the year. I don’t use Spotify though… have only ever used Apple Music.. which I pay for…. Is one better than the other or much the same?

  7. Keiran Croker says

    Thanks Luke,
    Great list. It’s always interesting to see what others are listening to and enjoying. I always have a long list of albums to listen to, which I mostly do whilst out walking.
    You’ve given me a reminder to make time to listen to Crowded House and Mark Seymour, who I saw at the Brunswick Ballroom earlier in the year; he’s great live!
    I can also recommend Nick Cave’s Wild God, Emma Donovan (without the Putbacks) and of course any new material from Paul Kelly and Black Sorrows are worth a listen.
    I’m about to head out with your playlist on! Thanks mate!

  8. Luke Reynolds says

    Thanks Kate, I think they are pretty much the same, though I’ve never used Apple Music.

    Cheers Keiran! Mark Seymour is a wonderful live artist. I’ll check out your recommendations!

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