Almanac Music: Favourite Cover Versions Part 2



There have been thousands if not millions of cover versions over the decades. Many have been made to make a quick buck or simply because the artist has run out of ideas or both.


I’m generally not a fan, but I thought I’d share some of my favourites that have been produced faithfully and respectful the original artist in mind.


I’ve only listed songs that I felt are at least the equal if not better than the original


11.  ‘Message to You Rudy’ – The Specials 1979. (Orig Dandy Livingstone – 1967). A faithful version from this legendary band from Coventry that became a huge hit at the height of punk in the UK.



12.  ‘Four Strong Winds’ – Neil Young 1978. (Orig Ian and Sylvia – 1963). Considered a Canadian folk classic, this version brings back a ton of teenage ‘angst’ memories growing up is WA.



13.  ‘River of Tears’ – The Drones 2007. (Orig Kev Carmody – 1991) Part of the Cannot Buy My Soul tribute to Kev Carmody, this is taken from the actual concert and highlights why Gareth Liddiard and his various incarnations whether it’s The Drones, Tropical F..k Storm or solo, make him so powerful live.



14.  ‘Sweet Jane’ – The Cowboy Junkies 1988. (Orig The Velvet Undergound – 1970) Lou Reed rates this version as his favourite. I’ll leave it there. ?



15.  ‘Take me to the River’ – Talking Heads 1977. (Orig Al Green – 1974) Exciting news this week that Talking Heads are reforming for a world tour which includes Australia in 2025.



16.  ‘Carry Home’ – Mark Lanegan 1999. (Orig Gun Club – 1982) I’m still mourning the loss of Mark Lanegan so there will be a couple of his songs in this list. He was literally a voice for hire and sang some incredible versions of songs that perhaps weren’t well known.



17. ‘Delilah’ – Norman Gunston 1978. (Orig Tom Jones – 1967) There will only ever be one Norman and my sister Pam still has the record of covers that this was taken from. Who will ever forget Fernando or his original, I Might Be a Punk but I Love Ya Baby…Truly I Do. Love you Norman and thank you for making sense of Australian politics and culture.



18.  ‘Helpless’ – Patti Smith 2007. (Orig Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young – 1970) Plenty of gorgeous covers on this album Twelve, but this stands out as it’s one of my all time favourite tracks from Neil Young.



19.  ‘Victoria’ – The Fall 1988. (Orig The Kinks – 1969) The Fall produced some eclectic and at times very inspired music in the eighties. Ray Davies may as well have written this for Mark E Smith.



20.  ‘Boots of Spanish Leather’ – Rebecca Barnard 2006. (Orig Bob Dylan – 1964) For the most definitive Australian versions of Bob’s songs, go to The Footy Alamanac’s own Karl Dubrav’s lists.


He’s got this one in there (damn it!) :) but I love it anyway. Rebecca is a legend in Melbourne along with her husband Shane O’Mara and she sang this at both Bob’s 50th and 80th tribute birthday concerts. I only recently discovered Bob wrote this for his first love Suze Rotolo.




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About Ian Wilson

Former army aircraft mechanic, sales manager, VFA footballer and coach. Now mental health worker and blogger. Lifelong St Kilda FC tragic and father to 2 x girls.


  1. Mark 'Swish' Schwerdt says

    I think the Talking Heads tour story should be filed under Alternative Facts.

    Full marks for Normie and The Fall selections.

  2. Superb list. Rudy and 4 Strong Winds are right up there for me.
    Got me thinking there are 2 types of covers we like. Great songs that were ignored in the original version because the artist was too obscure. (My two above are examples).
    Or where the cover artist just has a better voice or arrangement of an already well known song. (Covers of Bob Dylan songs are the obvious example – Joan Baez or the Byrds et al.)
    This is my favourite cover of a song with astonishing lyrics and a catchy melody by a songwriter (John Stewart) who never got the prominence he deserved.

  3. Matt Gately says

    Impeccable taste on show there, Ian and Peter. Hard recs to equal.

    I do like Fred Neil’s Dolphins, and Everbody’s Talkin’ but not as much as the definitive versions by Tim Buckley and Harry Nilsson.

    Miles Davis does a beautiful interpretation of Cyndi Lauper’s Time After Time

    I love Big Star’s Thirteen and also Elliott Smith’s take, but is it as good, really?

  4. Karl Dubravs Karl Dubravs says

    Hi Ian….this 2nd covers article has some solid gems. Rebecca, of course – I have previously said that her version of BoSL is the best on offer. Four Strong Winds is a gem of a song (as is Neil’s cover)….it is said that Ian Tyson wrote it in 20 minutes in response to hearing Dylan’s ‘Blowin In The Wind’ for the first time. I also have a soft spot for most things done by the Cowboy Junkies. Cheers….

  5. Ian Wilson says

    Thanks as always Swish. Nice choices Pete appreciate that.
    Big Star’s version for mine Matt. Cheers for the feedback.
    It is true Karl re Ian Tyson. Couple more lists to come. Appreciate it.

  6. Peter Crossing says

    Some great covers here thanks Ian. Especially Four Strong Winds.
    I agree with PB. John Stewart is underappreciated. He wrote some good songs (Daydream Believer, Never Goin’ Back) and California Bloodlines is very good album.
    Tim Buckley’s Dolphins is terrific. So is the Cowboy Junkie’s version of Thunder Road.
    Other covers I really like that are quite distinct from the original are Loan Me A Dime (Boz Scaggs/Fenton Robinson), Waterloo Sunset (Ann Savoy/Kinks), For Dancer (Linda Ronstadt/Jackson Browne) and Sea of Heartbreak (Rosanne Cash/Don Gibson).

  7. Ian Wilson says

    Thanks Pete a few more to check out much appreciated

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