John Harms gives us his wish-list for Christmas:
Apart from going shopping for secondhand T-shirts, I would like: some Rockford wine; The Furphy Anthology 2024; The Australian Ark, which is a brilliant three-volume history of Australian wine, tickets to the Dunkeld Writers Festival (a classic), books by Almanac writers, and I’d really love you to introduce someone to The Footy Almanac by making them a member at the special gift rate, because I know they’ll enjoy it and it will also help build the membership that will secure the future of the Almanac Project.
Here is each request in a little more detail:
Gift Idea 1: A Footy Almanac membership.
Read more about memberships HERE.
Gift Idea 2: The Furphy Anthology 2024
This is the collection of thee sixteen finalists in The Furphy Literary Award 2024. Read more about it HERE.
You can buy copies directly from The Furphy website HERE.
Terrific stories. Writers really have to nail their yarn to make it in.
Gift Idea 3: Books by Almanac writers.
We are very grateful that so many contributing Almanac members choose to publish their stuff with us. Some of these authors have gone to the next level and published books which is just fantastic to see. From professional writers and historians such as Mike Sexton, Bernard Whimpress, Roy Hay, William Westerman, Barry Nicholls, John Craven, Ken Piesse through to poets Kevin Densley, Damian Balassone, Robyn Black and James Walton and those keen and talented lay-writers like Citrus Bob Utber, Andy Thurlow, Malcolm Rulebook Ashwood and Des Tobin.
See a list of their publications and secure copies HERE.
Gift Idea 4: The Australian Ark: A History of Australian Wine
by Andrew Caillard MW
If you’re interested in wine or would like to become interested in wine, all I can say is: read this remarkable three-volume set which tells the story of wine in Australia from the time of colonisation. It’s written by Andrew Caillard MW (Master of Wine), an Englishman whose mother is Australian (a member of the Reynell family of McLaren Vale fame), a writer, historian, and artist (painting is arguably his first love) who, after meeting everyone and doing everything in wine for decades added systemmatic research to his incidental research and experience to prepare to write a more comprehensive history than has ever been attempted before. As the testimonies demonstrate, the result is phenomenal. It is a classy publication: fine writing, colourful story-telling, a book which develops themes that help understand Australian wine and how we are in the position we’re in. The images and the layout make this a beautiful book too.
This is that special gift, for that special moment. Or go into your local library and ask them to order it. Every public library in Australia should have it.
I will be writing more about Andrew Caillard’s gift to the Australian nation in coming weeks. And, you never know, he might pop in to an Almanac lunch some time.
Read more and order copies HERE
Gift Idea 5: Tickets to the Dunkeld Writers Festival
Aug 29-31, 2025
Read about the Dunkeld Writers Festival HERE
Tickets for 2025 will come on sale soon. But you can certainly put the dates in the diary.
It is brilliantly put together by Roz Greenwood and Mary-Ann Brown and the rest of the advisory group.
It’s a delightful friendly, relaxed weekend. The stimulating program always has breadth and depth.
It starts with Friday night drinks which, this year, was followed by Michael Williams, Marieke Hardy and Jason Steger in a live Book Show style panel. They were in sparkling form.
Saturday sessions.
Saturday night dinner at the famous Royal Mail Hotel.
More sessions on Sunday.
I was a panelist in 2024 and would like to thank Roz and Mary-Ann for the invitation. Sports panelists and hosts included Radio National’s Warwick Hadfield, novelist Karen Viggers, historian and writer Professor Barry Judd, and Mr Versatile Adam McNicol.
I had an absolute ball. I recommend making a full weekend of it and (definitely) including dinner.
Dunkeld is at the southern end of The Grampians in the Western District of Victoria. We’re thinking of everyone there at the moment because the fire is about 30 kilometres away and is having a devastating impact on significant areas of the national park and also on homes and families. Please stay safe.
Gift Idea 6: Books from The Footy Almanac Shop
Individual copies are available, or you can group them as you like. Other titles are also listed in The Almanac Shop. CLICK HERE
Gift Idea 7: Rockford Wines Sparkling Black Shiraz
This is the Christmas morning starter, from Rockford, the winery which I’ve been coming to since 1984, and where I have been involved for many years. Sparkling Black Shiraz has become a wine of celebration for my family in recent years. Because Rockford makes a limited amount of wine, and shares it among its regular customers (who are on the mailing list or visit Cellar Door), wines have a limited release time.
If you can’t get to Rockford, which is just outside Tanunda on Krondorf Road, try the website HERE.
Gift Idea 8: Alicante Bouschet
Another distinctively Rockford wine; a summer red, light but with some body, and in a Rose style but different. Does that make sense? This wine has a lot of fans. Susan and I were once in a Mexican restaurant in Fitzroy and, having BYO-ed a bottle of Alicante, were joined by a big fan. He just sat down at our little table and joined in. Had to pour him a glass.
This one is just under $30 and you’ll see it in some bottleshops. But again, ring or visit the winery.
Read more from John Harms HERE
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About John Harms
JTH is a writer, publisher, speaker, historian. He is publisher and contributing editor of The Footy Almanac and He has written columns and features for numerous publications. His books include Confessions of a Thirteenth Man, Memoirs of a Mug Punter, Loose Men Everywhere, Play On, The Pearl: Steve Renouf's Story and Life As I Know It (with Michelle Payne). He appears (appeared?) on ABCTV's Offsiders. He can be contacted [email protected] He is married to The Handicapper and has three school-age kids - Theo, Anna, Evie. He might not be the worst putter in the world but he's in the worst four. His ambition was to lunch for Australia but it clashed with his other ambition - to shoot his age.
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