AFL Round 8 – Monday Night Footy: What happens?

Tell us the story before it unfolds.


  1. Nil all draw. Both are relegated.

  2. ned_wilson says

    I hear that the deal has been done to keep Gibbs at the Blues. Great news for lovers of the Elbow. Montagna to have 45 meaningless touches tonight.

  3. Channel 7 will meet their contractural obligation to mention how brave Nick R is, how much he runs, just what a champion he is, at least 4 times a quarter, regardless of how he is actually playing. If he does what he is supposed to, ie take marks and kick goals, look for extra superlatives. If he doesn’t, expect a number of comments about just how hard he tries.

    Menzel to kick winning goal, Buckley to be a rising star nomiee, Gibbs to again make us wonder why Adelaide clubs see him as so important

  4. Tom Martin says

    The run of play halts for just under three minutes about halfway through the first quarter as Blues and Saints players form a ring around a loose but now static Sherrin resting on centre wing.

    The players loiter nervously, frozen in hesitation by the certainty that should they move in towards the ball, one false step might lead them into the dreaded bump. Brock McLean wonders to himself why they ever did away with pockets in footy shorts. A radio commentator pines for the days when it was the bumps of other players that could fill men with dread, rather than their own.

    The stalemate is broken by a hastily convened game of rock scissors paper, won by Lenny Hayes, whose hunger for the contested ball clearly hasn’t deserted him, judging by the vigour of his scissors hand.

  5. Reams of paper, countless megabytes of data and endless hours of footy’s chattering class on the tube are wasted on the 9,000 people who turned up to the game.

    Ol Mate Gil will refer to Monday night football as being a stunning success, (“the crowd exceeded our expectations” will most likely be the line) despite the fact that channel 7 – who just love the footy, apparently – went with reality TV and a seppo soap opera instead live footy and even Foxtel subscribers preferred to watch re-runs of Law & Order, Fashion Police, Dance Moms and Extreme Cheapskates.

  6. If Carlton lose, I will need someone to hug me and say “it’s not your fault” over and over until I’m strong enough to chase after Minnie Driver…

  7. Litza- Minnie would give your midfield some extra grunt.

  8. Rick Kane says

    I don’t think this game has a hope in hell of changing our usual Monday night TV. We find old TV series and watch them with the kids. We’ve done Buffy and we did Black Books. We are midway through Season Two of Veronica Mars:

    Things are getting pretty taut in Veronica Mars, Season 2. Logan has just “befriended” the daughter of the witness who is claiming Logan killed Felix on the bridge. The witness, we suspect from great detective work by Veronica, is a stooge for the Fighting Fitzpatricks, the toughest gang in town. Things are going to get ugly from here on.

    And then there is the (very) latest episode of The Good Wife, possibly the best drama on free to air. Even freer on the Internet.


  9. daniel flesch says

    The game won’t be nearly as funny as all you blokes. Still laughing.

  10. Dave Brown says

    Gibbs runs out onto the park in an SA state jumper with a $ in the place of a number. McLean sits down in a forward pocket and can be heard repeatedly mumbling ‘I’m not a sook’ as he occasionally plucks a blade of grass and throws it away. Waite does a soft tissue injury sitting in his seat in the stands and Carlton go on to win or lose in such an ugly fashion that people are confused about Malthouse’s intentions towards their club.

    St Kilda runs through a banner that says “Rebuilding in process – players over 25 – no reasonable offer refused”. Cuts to coach’s box during the game catch Alan Richardson flicking through pictures of Peter Wright, Sam Durdin and Hugh Goddard. As the score changes he keeps changing the page.

  11. I’ll sit on the couch with a little glass of Tullamore Dew (and a dash of water). The ball will be bounced……..Riewoldt!!…………Blues in trouble…………..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  12. Andrew Fithall says

    Courtney Barnett is doing a duet with Billy Bragg on Rockwiz tonight. Velvet Underground’s “Sunday Morning”. Now that will be worth watching.

  13. Andrew Starkie says

    Peppa Pig, brush teeth, Eloise to bed, Australian Story, 4 Corners, Media Watch, Q@A or possibly a catch up of Fargo ep 3.

    One game in Melb across the weekend, followed by a Monday night game? 25,000 tops and watch them spin this one.

    Carlton has the worst scheduling in history this season. The AFL has lost the plot, to state the bleeding bloody obvious. Is it trying to bring the whole bloody thing down? Back to year dot, sort of, like some insane totalitarian regime? It’s as if it is conspiring against itself. Does it not understand by hurting the clubs in this way, it is hurting itself?

  14. Andrew Starkie says

    Is Embarrassing Bodies on tonight?

  15. Rick Kane says

    If there was a like button on this website AS, I’d be hitting for your last couple of comments.

    Thanks AF, I might just pause proceedings at our place to catch that. One of my many fave VU songs.


  16. E.regnans says

    Reckon Bakes, A Starkie on the money.

    Monday? Is there footy on?
    So far picked up kids from school. Played imagination games. Taken them to gymnastics. We’ll have dinner, bath, read stories, bed.
    May then have a chat with Nothafagus cunninghamii. Read a book (recently started The Luminaries but it’s a challenging ~800pp length). Sort out challenges presented by tomorrow.

    Life already has a fair hold on Mondays.

    Won’t see a minute, but I expect:
    “You just get the feeling the next goal SO important.”
    “This is a must-win for both clubs”
    “Riewoldt…. RIEWOLDT!!!”
    Carlton to struggle with on-field leadership.
    G McLachlan and cohorts to spin the whole enterprise.

  17. Andrew Starkie says

    I’m reading ‘Jacks and Jokers’, by Matthew Condon, part 2 of a trilogy about police corruption in QLD that led to the Fitzgerald Inquiry. Very interesting stuff.

    In 81, Police Minister Russ Hinze, who spent most of his time at the track half-cut, flatly denied the existence of illegal brothels and gaming dens in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley, even after he was seen in one.

    Nothing to see here, move along.

    Bit like the AFL.

    Joh always appointed Gold Ol’ Boys. Men like him. Outsiders or cleanskins weren’t welcome. Terry Lewis was banished to the bush by a new commissioner for being a bagman to his predecessor. He got in Joh’s ear, undermined the commissioner and suddenly was back in Brisbane as the new top cop.

  18. Saints 8 goals up at 3/4 time. Litza suicidal. Mick homicidal. JB throws his navy scarf on the fire in his Ballarat mansion to keep warm, and opens the third bottle of Best’s Great Western Shiraz for the evening.
    Last quarter Saints go down in heaps. Broken legs, knees, Achilles snaps. All interchanges used. Only 17 men left standing on the field. Gathered in the defensive goal square like it was Rorke’s Drift.
    Blues get within 5 points with a minute left. Bryce has 38 uncontested possessions in the last quarter, giving him 41 touches for the game. Ball bounced in the centre, and Bryce runs unopposed to the 50…….
    When a lady in a red, white and black crocheted tea caddy beanie runs out of the crowd and sticks him with a Number 9 knitting needle in the groin as the ball spills loose and the siren sounds.
    BT is speechless for the only time in his life.
    A thousand Almanackers rise in their loungerooms screaming “Yyyyyyyyyyyyy…..vette.”

  19. Andrew Starkie says

    Peter, Bryce to go home early when an opponent rips his hair band off his head.

  20. Brilliant PB

  21. Malcolm Ashwood says

    Thanks PB needed a good laugh

  22. Definitely barracking for the drama here.

    But Carlton will have the poise (did I really just think that – and then type it publicly)

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