
by Yvette Wroby

About Yvette Wroby

Yvette Wroby writes, cartoons, paints through life and gets most pleasure when it's about football, and more specifically the Saints. Believes in following dreams and having a go.


  1. Love it, Yvette. Although I wouldn’t have minded seeing the alternative spelling – “GAWN!”

  2. Watch this space, next week there’s either be a Hawk, A Swan, an Eagles or just lots of blue going down the black hole of the season.

    Like the GAWN!


  3. Sorry, Gigs, GAWN! is gold!

    So are your drawing Yvette! Do my next tattoo?

  4. I’m happy to design anything but I’ll leave the needles to the tatooist, unless you’re a Cats or Pies supporter who have added to my last two years football misery so I’ll use my knitting needles to tattoo!



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