2013 – A Season in Song – Round 6 – Two Bites at the Cherry

The round 6 edition of the Coodabeens chewed up a bit of airtime discussing the merits of the SA West Coast metropolis of Kimba, home of 250-gamer Corey Enright.

My late father-in-law was Postmaster at Kimba in the 60s and my wife spent her early years there. There is also a town called Pimba in SA, hence my Gunstonesque tribute below, which somehow morphed into a verse about some WA players’ given names.

One of the trickiest things about the ditty caper was song selection. I went with an all-time Split Enz favourite, but alas, it was deemed too 80’s for the ABC demographic. Upon closer inspection, it also predicted the demise of four coaches.

So, no songs this week, but I did get a mention from the team about my revelation that “… the first concert I ever saw was Split Enz at Festival Theatre in May 1975 (they opened for Ayers Rock but we left early to get the 490 bus back to Elizabeth)…” which raised a chuckle.

Kimba with a K (Liza with a Z)
It’s Kimba with a K
Not Pimba with a P
Cause Pimba with a P
Has Spud’s*, not birds   (* famous roadhouse)
It’s K instead of P
The home of Corey
And the Wakelin boys you see
See Kimba
On Eyre Peninsula …
It’s Kimba with a K
Not Pimba with a P
Cause Pimba with a P
Has Spud’s, not birds
It’s K instead of P
The home of Corey
And the Wakelin boys you see
See Kimba
Now if my name were Viv
I’d be Viv
Even backwards I’d be Viv
Or if my name were Eric
Then I’d be Eric
Because with Eric
What can you do ?
Or Sharrod, or Blayne, or Ashton, or Brant
But that’s on the wrong West Coast
The one in WA
Beleaguered Coach – To the tune of Split Enz’ I Got You
Senior Coach – lighten up bloke
Just relax – crack a jo-oke
No more pout – instead a gri-in
Sometimes you shout – but what’s the problem ?
I don’t know why Mike Voss isn’t smiling
Look at those steely eyes, he thinks that they’re not tryin’
In the box – you’re a shambles
Thrown everything – you could imagine
Assistant coach – is ducking Coke cans
It’s only – round six of the season
I can’t remember Mark Neeld ever smiling
Look at those bleary eyes, he’s on the verge of cryin’
There’s some doubt – about your future
Another rout – now face the media
Full backing – of the committee
They’ll throw you out – it can’t get no worse
I’ve never seen Brent McCartney laughing
It’s a thankless job at the bottom of the pile
I don’t know what Scott Watters is doing
Are you rebuilding, or a you playing for the finals?
How come Kevin Sheedy’s always smiling?
When the Giants are for their first win still trying …

About Mark 'Swish' Schwerdt

Saw my first SANFL game in 1967 - Dogs v Peckers. Have only ever seen the Dogs win 1 final in the flesh (1972 1st Semi) Mediocre forward pocket for the AUFC Blacks (1982-89) Life member - Ormond Netball Club -That's me on the right


  1. Malcolm Ashwood says

    Well done Swish love the ingenuity bloody hard writing songs

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