Not much happening in this part of Victoria at the moment. So the Colac Herald ran a story about some hack writer who managed to find his way into this year’s edition of The Footy Almanac. This kind of publicity cannot be bought and should ensure an extra 5000 or so extra sales of the good book throughout the Colac Otway Shire.
Here is the link:
A late night at cricket training means the hack writer isn’t looking his best in the photo. He’s usually much more handsome. The hack writer allegedly mentioned P.Daffey a bit more in regards to the book and website. And gave P.Fuller a big plug in regards to his Cororooke past and his writing on the website. Other than that it’s how the interview went. Any publicity is good publicity.
Good stuff Luke. I enjoyed the article until you started to gloat about the Pies demolition of my hapless Eagles in Round 22. Talk about pulling wings off dead flies.
I made sure you had to write the Pies humiliating finals loss to my Dad’s team, just to get even.
Great work Luke. Remember, any publicity is good publicity, but don’t get thrown out of the pub.
Well played , Luke interesting how many extra sales result . The Members out the back area proved to be a good spot to sell , FA not sure if any of them got remembered to be taken home by the purchaser tho ! Hope the people of , Colac buy heaps !
Good work Luke! The New York Times will be on the blower next!
Today Colac. Tomorrow, the world.
But, nothing though about your esteemed batting partner?
Wozniak to your Jobs, Allen to your Gates, I searched for a mention? Donuts, tumbleweeds, nada
Sigh. That’s what happens in Media Street
Good stuff, Luke.
Time for us to step up the A MAGPIE ON THE ALMANAC FRONT COVER campaign.
Given that we have made the finals in every Almanac year, I think we are due.
Congratulations on the article and spreading the gospel according to the Almanac.
Just a little disappointed that the Colac sister- city of Mortlake didn’t crack it for a mention where there is at least one hack writer who contributes to the Almanac.
The non-believer (in any sport) looks over my shoulder whenever a Luke Reynolds article appears and reminds me yet again that she taught that nice young man English at Camperdown High School. So she is taking some credit for your achievements as she remembers the cricket fanatic who managed to weave a cricket story into most of his essays.
Top stuff Luke.
I’m hoping you also get a run in the Yambuk Morning Mail alongside the Where’s Ronnie? column.
MOC – fair call. I nominate Dale Thomas.
I second that nomination…
Sean, our great partnership deserves a full article, not just a paragraph in a story. Would be a great follow up story next week.
Neil, say hi to Mrs Anderson for me! Had no idea she is your wife. Fantastic teacher. Was up in Mortlake last Friday night in my role as under 13 coach. A few of the Mortlake officials said they knew you and that they are readers of the website. Will be back up that way this Saturday when we play at Woorndoo. The DC Farran Oval is in immaculate condition, very impressed with it on Friday, we don’t get to play there until February.
Great work Luke. And nice to meet you at the launch, at one stage we’d well and truly formed a magpies nest with yourself, me, Jeff D, Dave N and Phil D.
Well played, Luke.
You’re a natural. Are you looking to branch into other forms of local media, now? The weather slot on WIN TV?
Great stuff, Luke
Great work Luke. Floreat Pica Always!
Congratulations on this excellent piece of marketing to a new audience.
Many thanks for the kind gesture in my direction. I am a bit concerned about being referred to as a former western district writer, as only in the loosest usage of the term could I be described as a writer. You might appreciate noting that I was first published in the Herald in 1961 or 1962 with a letter to the editor offering a best HFL team of that season. This expressed an entirely misplaced confidence in my ability to make such a judgement. Fifty years on my assessments are no better!
I third Daisy Thomas’s nomination as the Magpie for the Almanac cover. Kate Birrell might be able to do him in a guernsey half the black and white stripes, and half his new sanctified livery.
Perhaps we could print a separate cover for different markets?
Hodge gets the Monash and the Otways.
Hird corners the comedy market.
Tippett might work in NSW but maybe not in Rundle St any more.
Big Browny can have Qld and push Hodgy for fans in the ‘Bool
and so on…
I strongly support the move for a MAGPIE player on the front cover of the 2014 Almanac.
Quentin Lynch and Kate O’Donnell would be an unbeatable combination.
e.regnans- would be thousands of angry men in regional Victoria if I took over the WIN News weather slot from Jane Bunn.
Sorry, try this-
More tales from Colac, the literature-centre of western-district Victoria.
Just heard from a mate in Warrnambool who says he has managed to buy a copy of The Almanac for his Geelong footy-fanatic sister who lives in Colac.
There were five copies of The Almanac and a copy of Footy Town on the shelves at Collins Books in main street Warrnambool, so for any early campers arriving, there’s the ideal, but bulky stocking- filler you were after.
Further to knacker comments about what a thrill it is to have our articles in The Almanac published, my mate said he would get me to sign the copy he giving to his sister.
Just when you start to think people around you don’t realize what a big deal it is to have some writing published, you get a request to sign the book and it reminds you of what a privilege it really is.
Great stuff Neil. It is indeed a huge privilege. Loving it.
Meritorious missionary work Luke. Spreading the gospel for the Good Book. And on Jane Bunn. Wow … you western district folk are blessed. She really is knockout. Hope the big city network scouts have got her on their radars. I’d love for her to be forewarning us Melbournians of arctic sou easters blowing in from the bite (and not Juddy’s wife.)
T-Bone, it’s not without good reason that the weather is the highest rating segment on WIN News…..
Luke the terrorist played his ,1st game in 18 months yest made ,10 didn’t take a wicket but was happy to land the ball on the deck and yep I made him buy a almanac which he got myself and , Raj to autograph he says your the , 3rd part of the trifecta . Nothing wrong with using a bit of authority as chairman of selectors at , Pembroke as a advantage in selling the best , Xmas filler there is in the almanac .
Using alcohol to your advantage as well I reckon I could have gone for a walk at the back of the members at the ad test and collected the books left behind I had sold of guys I had run in too . Selling the great book is like chatting females up plenty of knock backs and then you land a sale
The obvious solution to sell more Almanacs is to have Jane Bunn whip out her…..copy of the Almanac while telling the viewers how suddenly it’s become so hot and steamy in the Ballarat studio, while caressing the book Nigella style.
Then again, most prospective male buyers wouldn’t be able to remember what the hell she was holding up if you asked them five minutes later.
Malcolm, great to hear the Terrorist is back out on the park. Looking forward to reading some stories about Atchy and the Pembroke CC.
Neil, Jane seems the obvious choice to be the 2014 Almanac ambassador. Nigella might be cheaper at the moment though.