Round 4 – Richmond v Collingwood: Haiku Bob – among the flotsam


scattered showers

Richmond players

in disarray




dodging the drips

from the grandstand roof

Swan finds a way




broken clouds

all the spaces filled

with magpies




wet track

Pendlebury bobs up

among the flotsam




autumn rain

a steady trickle

of goals




shrouded moon

Richmond gives up

the ghost




night rain

soaking up

the victory



About rob scott

Rob Scott (aka Haiku Bob) is a peripatetic haiku poet who calls Victoria Park home. He writes haiku in between teaching whisky and drinking English, or something like that.


  1. Cat from the Country says

    I like your poems but they are not really haiku which have 5 syllables 7 syllables and 5 syllables.
    You have caught the nature bit well.

  2. DBalassone says

    Beautiful work Haiku Bob – captured the mood of the night perfectly (as per usual). I especially like the appearance of the word ‘flotsam’, a word which I haven’t heard since listening to the Waterboys classic “She Tried to Hold Me”.

  3. Should I address you as Haiku Bob or Blank (verse) Bob? I feel woefully equipped to adjudicate in the Poetry Wars.
    Dear Rob – poignant and wistful as always. I wonder why you constantly put Swan in your poems. Hoping to engender a bit of positive, trickle-down haiku effect on the once great player?
    “Finds a way”??? Looks to me like he mostly finds himself with nothing better to do, these days.

  4. haiku bob says

    Country Cat – In English language haiku (& in many circles in Japan) syllable counting stopped long ago. The dictionary definition hasn’t caught up yet. There is much debate about what constitutes a haiku and I have my own views. For illustrative purposes only, the current definition of the Haiku Society of America reads: A haiku is a short poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of an experience of nature or the season intuitively linked to the human condition.

    Peter_B – don’t worry about Swanny.


  5. ramondobb says

    A tough crowd this week, HB.

    As per DB’s comment and my EBW post, just love to see the word “flotsam” associated with a game of footy. But, disappointed you didn’t sneak “jetsam” into it with a line about Vickery and his performance!

    Floreat Pica and Go Pies!

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