round 19: haiku bob – slipstreaming

This week’s match report comes from Budapest in Hungary where I attended the Formula 1 Grand Prix. Fascinating city. Wonderful race. And another Magpie victory.


practice session —

every one of Cloke’s kicks

is a goal



safety car —

Prismall’s knee collapses

at the first turn



slipstreaming –

Pendlebury moves his shadow

this way and that



chicane –

a little swivel

and Krakouer breaks free



muggy day —

Bombers cling

to the lead




change in the lead —

every players’ role the same

but different



Button by

the length of the straight–

Fasolo’s fifth



*blue flag —

the crowd cheers every time

Swan touches it


*A blue flag warns the driver that he is about to be lapped and to let the faster car overtake him.


About rob scott

Rob Scott (aka Haiku Bob) is a peripatetic haiku poet who calls Victoria Park home. He writes haiku in between teaching whisky and drinking English, or something like that.


  1. Phil Dimitriadis says

    Beautiful work HB. Watching Krakouer and Fasolo mesmerize the Bombers was one of the highlights of the season for me.

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