Long Bombs to Snake is the sports writing journal published by the Almanac community.
Read Martin Flanagan’s review from The Age.
The first edition – Spring 2015 – is available now.
To purchase your Long Bombs:
Printed edition – via AustPost – $19.95
Digital edition suitable for desktops/laptops/ipads delivered via email – $14.95
Order by email and pay via EFT.
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So what’s in Long Bombs to Snake:
Comedian, actor, writer and Sandgroper Matt Quartermaine explains what it was like to be a West Coast Eagles fan living in Melbourne in the early 90s.
David Wilson draws on the inspiration of Roddy Doyle and Paddy Clarke to tell the story of a junior footy match.
In a lovely piece of family research, Callum O’Connor learns that his grandfather trained professional runners and nearly pulled off the big one.
Damian Dips O’Donnell, mild-mannered suburban accountant, is given a surf board for his 50th birthday and writes of his first time out with the big boys.
Radio journalist and writer Matt Watson has produced an account of the funeral and wake of Big Mick Nolan.
Columns (which will be part of each edition):
A writer profile completed in the style of a traditional Footy Record player profile. This edition features much-loved Almanac contributor Mathilde de Hauteclocque.
A column called Six Nations? where a native of one Australian state tries to understand something which is characteristic of another state. Mickey Randall casts his South Australian eye over the very Queensland Bundaberg rum advertisement (which has much airplay throughout the footy finals).
An account of a great sporting event – at any level. I tell the story of a brilliant basketball match from the Auchendome in Brisbane.
A piece of scholarly writing From the Academy. In a scholarly, but very readable piece, Phil Dimitriadis analyses the textual depiction of Darren Millane and Garry Wilson.
A sports travel piece. I recall my time at the Headingley Test in 1993 in a piece which discusses the will to write (especially about sport).
A photographic portrait. We love the photos Peter Argent sends us for the Almanac site. Here he finds a grand old cricketer – Brian Hurn, grandfather of Shannon.
Art. Kate Birrell has developed a terrific genre: the sketch with associated contemplative words. This one is about a cricket roller (and more).
Poetry. Damian Balassone is a Collingwood-supporting poet who has been contributing prose and poetry to the Almanac for quite a while.
There is terrific variety. We hope you will find it all very fresh and original.
If you have a story to tell, or an idea that fits one of the columns, and would like to get involved, drop us a line. We’d love to hear from you via email [email protected]
About John Harms
JTH is a writer, publisher, speaker, historian. He is publisher and contributing editor of The Footy Almanac and footyalmanac.com.au. He has written columns and features for numerous publications. His books include Confessions of a Thirteenth Man, Memoirs of a Mug Punter, Loose Men Everywhere, Play On, The Pearl: Steve Renouf's Story and Life As I Know It (with Michelle Payne). He appears (appeared?) on ABCTV's Offsiders. He can be contacted [email protected] He is married to The Handicapper and has three school-age kids - Theo, Anna, Evie. He might not be the worst putter in the world but he's in the worst four. His ambition was to lunch for Australia but it clashed with his other ambition - to shoot his age.
Can’t wait to read it. Congratulations on the birth of a new publication!
Ditto Emma.
Refreshing writing and voices.
I know an enormous amount of work went into this. Congratulations J. Harms and all those who put it together.
Get behind it Knackers. It’ll be a wonderful read.
Thanks Emma, P Flynn, Dips.
We took our time over it!
Great to work with the writers.
Very much looking forward to the printed version as well.
Half way through, it’s quality stuff so far.
Congratulations to all involved. Sterling work.
Mathilde’s had me in tears already.
Love your passion, Harmsy et al.
Brilliant stuff.
Congrats to all concerned.
Well done to all. Half way through. Dips, loved your piece – particularly the end where you revealed your new-found passion. Good on you for having a go.
You could just as easily write the reverse of Matt Quartermaine’s Eagle’s fan in Melbourne piece. I was a Melbourne fan in Perth about the same time guarantee it was a tougher experience.
Bravo to all.
What a pleasure to be part of.
The public airing of supporters voices, trajectories, participations … in all their hybrid forms. Very unique and important stuff.
Great to listen to JTH & Dips & Mathilde on the wireless tonight
“He’s outplayed them; for he is Bundy. Hear him roar!!!!”
The Qld basketball piece is worth the price of admission alone.
Rush off everybody and buy the hard copy. Great writing and sure to be a collectors item in years to come.
Hi Long Bombers
I have finally read the first edition and it is brilliant. Wildly eclectic range of essays, funny as stories, and top shelf writing. This is going straight to the pool-room.