early October—
this dream I have
from time to time
Iso footy—
I lose my voice
yelling at the tv
finally in bloom—
Cox puts them in the shade
lead gone
I down my whisky
and it comes back
into lockdown—
Mihocek’s goal
we just hold on—
now I can go
and pee
Pies go deep
into spring—
my plans out the window
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About rob scott
Rob Scott (aka Haiku Bob) is a peripatetic haiku poet who calls Victoria Park home. He writes haiku in between teaching whisky and drinking English, or something like that.
Very good I must admit even as a disappointed Dogs supporter the Pies had me in the palm of their hand on Saturday night . Mihocek looks like he belongs in the 30s but every time I watch the Pies he never disappoints . At the risk of offending the editor I really hope the Pies get over the Smugsville Cats
Couldn’t agree with you more Haydo.