About james gilchrist
James Gilchrist lives and teaches in Geelong. He divides his time between a travel crazed American wife and four very active Australian children. Like a battle scarred country singer, he still believes in Collingwood and in love.
James’ book is essential reading for Collingwood fans and an entertaining read for footy fans in general. It is funny, whimsical, philosophical and passionate.
wishing you all the best mr gilchrist! may appear with bridget cosgrave on the night if we can get it sorted
I hate Collingwood.
I love this book.
You do the maths.
Well done James the White.
Saw your promo on the Sydney Collingwood Supporters Page on Nicks. Would loved to have known about the launch earlier as I would have been there all the way from Sydney with bells on. Ordered both your books today and look forward to the reads.