Some say the Grand Final was an honourable loss. Hawks fan Michael Parker says it was a wasted season.
I love Buddy. I’m not ashamed to admit my admiration and affection for the guy. Call it a man crush, call it whatever you like but as a Hawthorn supporter it’s only natural to show some love. I know I’m far from alone. He is Hawthorn’s poster boy, every hawks youngsters favourite player. Watching Hawthorn [Read more]
Giant showdown
by Michael Parker One of the by products of currently only working part time is more time to indulge in sport on TV. And when One HD isn’t giving us old episodes of M.A.S.H or Cops, it occasionally still serves its original purpose of televising sporting contests. It has given me the chance to [Read more]
Born again cricketer
Footy in winter, cricket in summer. Quintessential. Time honoured. The way it should be. Like most Victorian kids growing up in the 90s/00s I would spend the cold months living and breathing football and then when the place would finally warm up it was backyard and club cricket. And then like many other youngsters, I [Read more]
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