Almanac Bowls: Canadians cornering the Australian bowls scene

With Australian Premier League and State championships, Lachlan Tighe sees the domestic lawn bowls competition hotting up.

Almanac Opinion: Team success – victory and adversity

Are the Doggies the AFL equivalent of Seabiscuit? Lachlan Tighe draws parallels and applies the theory to Lawn Bowls.

Grand Final 2016: What we have learned about visible and invisible teams

Lachlan Tighe is an elite lawn bowls coach and analyst who says we can learn a lot about sporting organisations from the Western Bulldogs.

‘Sooks, slackers and snipers, hit the road’

Lachlan Tighe dissects the culture of a successful bowls club – and is more than aware that these Commandments can be extrapolated and applied to just about any sporting club.

Almanac Bowls: ‘Hawthorn, manufactured to win’

The Almanac welcomes Lachlan Tighe who is going to write about his beloved sport, lawn bowls, from time to time. Lachlan is a bowler, a successful bowls coach and a bowls columnist. Here he talks about the importance of teamwork, team culture and positive support in bowls. [Great to have you with us Lachlan – JTH]