Women’s Footy: Hunting Success

Catherine Durkin, who has been writing for the Almanac since her high school days, is now a journalism graduate and is the sports reporter at WIN Central Queensland. When Megan Hunt was drafted by the Brisbane Lions this week, she wrote this story for the Almanac. It’s a story of the lengths to which Megan went to play footy as a teenager. She set up her own team in Gladstone in Queensland. [Delighted to hear of your new role Catherine, and thanks for this story – JTH]

No sore losers here

Catherine Durkin saw a couple of games last weekend – and can hardly believe the contrast. They set her thinking.

AFL Round 22 – GWS Giant v Richmond: Sheedy’s next move

Kevin Sheedy has had many reincarnations throughout his career. The most recent of them concluded on Sunday, leaving the rest of us to ponder what he will do next.

AFL Round 8 – Richmond v Melbourne: Old demons die hard

Be it Richo, Caroline Wilson or Catherine Durkin, a Richmond supporter’s pessimism never dies, even against the Demons.

So painfully, agonisingly and tigerishly close

If today has taught me anything, it’s this: don’t sit in an area cluttered with fragile objects when you’re watching the football – especially if you happen to follow a team like Richmond. Just don’t. Remove yourself from the area as things start to get heated. Go for a walk with the radio or, better [Read more]

Here we are again

A couple of years ago, I sat and watched the Tigers run out onto the MCG, led by a man who many said was to be the messiah, of sorts. The bringer of good times and good fortune to Punt Road. “Isn’t he great,” some said. “What he a boost he’ll provide,” said others. “What’s [Read more]

A fine line

(Cath Durkin is a first year journalism student, and a footy fan)   A passionate man is Eddie McGuire. Keep an eye on him next time you’re playing the Pies if you happen to find yourself on the second level of the Members’ stand at the ‘G and I promise you, you’ll see it. Red-faced [Read more]

Asparagus salads and denim shorts

Call me a traditionalist, or whatever you want, but asparagus salads and denim shorts don’t belong in the football world. To me, if I’m trotting off to the football on a Friday night I should be MCG bound. The air should be fresh, brisk, the kind that slaps you across the cheeks and says, “Wake [Read more]


I’d just like to say a word or two about the Christmas rush, if I may, keeping in mind that I am an eighteen-year-old check-out chick so it might be a little tainted. Just a little. I wish I could say I rub my hands with glee and watch and wait for that first customer [Read more]

The Tigers come of age

Last week, I saw Matthew White kick a goal. It wasn’t an overly pretty one, more of a helicopter off the inside of the boot. But it did the job. I expected maybe a subtle waggle of the finger or perhaps a loving embrace with Benny Nason, who was nearby. But he did neither. Instead [Read more]