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Almanac People: The Halloween Swan

Trick, or treat?

Trick, or treat?


Yes I know….Yankee rubbish!! But what man hasn’t resorted to “joker” to amuse his kids. A reciprocal Halloween offering to a daughter studying in the USA and caught up in the moment.


Once painted, it occurred to me that there was a vague Swans association in the art, although upon reflection I’m seeing more Split Enz!


(Note: eyes still dark from Grand Final tears)

About chris bracher

Known to stare longingly down Clarendon St still wondering how his red and white heroes ever left him, Chris Bracher's pining for his relocated team has been somewhat appeased by recent Bloods glory....but the pain never truly goes away!


  1. jan courtin says

    That’s funny Chris! Tell you the truth, I don’t even know what trick or treat means. I could look it up, but wonder whether it’s worth it. I like the red V – presumably part of a guernsey? Hope your daughter enjoyed the artwork.

    Cheer cheer

  2. Yvette Wroby says

    Hi Chris, that’s a tick for being a great dad. Very creepy which is right on the money. And very Swans.

    Be well


  3. Stone Cold Steve Baker says

    This is definitely going to find its way to Melbourne Masters Football Club.

    Hello Joker!

  4. Chris bracher says

    Very perceptive Jan….the red V of the Swans Team of the Century T shirt. Frankly, it is not worth researching trick or treat. It is unadulterated “hogwash” ( to cite another Americanism!). However, sometimes it just ain’t worth swimming against the tide…..I tired of that in the last week of September!!!

    Yvette I’m at that age where any mask is welcome. Thank you for your kind words. I’m using humorous interpretation to hold onto a father/daughter relationship that is further challenged by the tyranny of distance!

  5. Luke Reynolds says

    Nice work Chris. Though green hair would be good next time!
    I like to think Heath Ledger’s Joker was inspired in part by Split Enz.

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