Almanac Music


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Also, we continue to feature yarns from Stereo Stories: A Song. A Place. A Time. edited by Vin Maskell. This caters for the specific writing genre – the music and memoir style Vin prefers – outlined on the Stereo Stories site. It’s an excellent idea on an excellent site. Check it out.


Almanac Music: Maubere Timor Music of the Resistance

Maubere Timor is an ensemble of old school Timor-Leste veterans who spread their love of power in speech through a 12 track album that touches on haunting topics of occupation and songs of their past that will solidify their heroic history and the memory of the resistance movement for future generations.

In collaboration with the Prime Minister’s Office for Veterans Affairs Maubere Timor was brought to life in David Bridie’s studio in Melbourne and mixed by Andy Robinson. The sound is passionate and acoustic, with soaring harmonies, laments and songs of inspiration. The idea is not that different from the Buena Vista Socials Club where the veterans have reinvigorated songs of their countries past. But this time it is from the hills behind enemy lines.

Dusty officially now a bona fide champion

Jen Muirden was honoured to attend the Richmond Football Club’s special Brownlow Medal Count and she pays tribute to their winner, Dustin Martin.

Almanac Music – Midnight Oil at Kuranda: Still burning

Smokie Dawson capped off a week long holiday in Far North Queensland by seeing one of Australia’s most popular bands of all time Midnight Oil. The beautiful Kuranda Amphitheatre surrounded by the rain forest and company made it a gig to remember.

Dusty’s Always Running Around

The latest lyrics by Jennifer Muirden dedicated to 2017’s best player Dustin Martin.

The Killers at The Taminga

Mickey’s musings on Grand Final entertainment and music as a whole. The Killers, good. Meatloaf, for the most part, good. U2, a few decades ago, great. P!nk, well…

Almanac Music – Friday’s for funerals, Saturday’s for brides: Tex, Don and Charlie

Mickey Randall started his ironic tea towel collection before immersing himself in Tex, Don and Charlie’s sonic landscapes.

Fathers’ Day: My Dad Shoodabeen a Coodabeen

Anna Pavlou was lucky enough to attend the Coodabeen Champions live show last week at the Arts Centre with her dad, helping her connect with his past.

Almanac Music: A Letter to Walter Becker

Brian The Ruminator does just that as he reflects on the passing of Steely Dan’s Walter Becker.

Almanac Music – Tex, Don & Charlie at the Thornbury Theatre: Here’s as good as anywhere

With all signs pointing towards a dystopian future (or should that be present?), David Wilson caught the magnificent stories and songs of Tex, Don and Charlie.

Almanac Music – Father’s Day Giftbox at Stereo Stories

Here at Stereo Stories we celebrate Fathers’ Day not with gifts of angle grinders and barbecues and golf balls but with fatherhood stories, fourteen in all.