Luke Reynolds’ deep affection for cricket is well known; here he steps off the oval to review fellow Almanacker and cricketer Craig Dodson’s recent work ‘A view of Australia from fine leg’.
Never give up the chase for a baggy green!
January 22, 2019 by 6 Comments
Another great yarn from Craig Dodson who can now proudly say he has donned the famous baggy green! Here is his story.
The ‘Wagga Effect’
July 8, 2015 by 12 Comments
Craig Dodson throws down the gauntlet to Almanackers and sports fans alike: Is there a regional city in Australia with a better track record for producing elite sports talent than Wagga (Wagga)? Nominations welcome. [note JTH: includes reference to the time honoured Dunlop Volleys – Ed.]
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