Almanac Book Launch – ‘Lament’ by Nicole Kelly: A time to toast!



While there have been whispers in the town of Beaufort, an idyllic rural hamlet of 1500 people, that it may be the online book launch of the year, there is no doubting that the launch of the novel Lament, which delves into a re-imagining of the Kelly legend, will be the highlight of my writing career.


At first, there was a sliver of disappointment that I could not be swilling champagne or a nice Barossa Basket Press in celebration of a, quite possibly, once in a life-time achievement with friends and family. However, in this era of lockdowns, limits on gatherings and social distancing, an in-person launch wasn’t practical. The silver lining of this pandemic-induced nuisance is that I get to celebrate country-wide!


I have received many kind words, emails and support from the Footy Almanac community in the short time that I’ve been a part of it, so I would like to extend an invitation to you word-loving individuals to come and celebrate with me! BYO shiraz or sav blanc!


The always-insightful John Harms has kindly agreed to come along and have a chat and there will be some interesting discussions about the Kellys and re-imagining history.


The launch will kick off on Thursday 22nd October from 7.00pm. I look forward to seeing you there!


Zoom is incredibly easy to access – a simple click of the link and it will head you there! The Link is:


Or, if you are Facebook savvy, you can head to this event, click ‘interested’ and you will be sent a reminder before the day.


Lament is released in October 2020. Visit to pre-order your copy or you can visit to contact me. Otherwise follow me on Twitter @ruralvicwriter


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About Nicole Kelly

Is a teacher, mother, writer and all-round lover of words!


  1. Nicole, an example of challenge (COVID restrictions) providing an opportunity (national viewing). Best wishes for the occasion and for the success of your book.

  2. Look forward to it. Can I bring a Carlton Draught?

  3. Kevin Densley says

    All the best with this launch, Nicole!

  4. How exciting. Best of luck, Nicole.

  5. Nicole FB invitation accepted/submitted.

    Go well, i’m sure it will.


  6. Nicole Kelly says

    Many thanks! Look forward to seeing you there!

    Dips – Absolutely! I’m an equal opportunity beverage enthusiast!

  7. Colin Ritchie says

    Congratulations Nicole! Just ordered your book. Looking forward to the launch.

  8. Nicole Kelly says

    That’s fabulous, Col – thank you!

  9. Looking forward to this.

  10. Kevin Densley says

    Hope there’s a fine turnout, Nicole.

    Waiting with considerable interest for my copy of your book to arrive in the mailbox..

  11. Nicole Kelly says

    Thank you, John and Kevin. Very much looking forward to spending some time talking about the book!

    Kevin – I have it on good authority that the books have arrived and the envelopes named. They won’t be far away! Thanks for putting your order in!

  12. Launch day.
    Congratulations Nicole.
    What a wonderful achievement. Will zoom in this evening. Hats off.

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