Twilight Tradition

By Adam Gruer

It’s a big game this Sunday at the G between my boys, The Filth and the Kennel Coughs. My mate J, a son of the west, and I tend to get loose when we go to the footy together and have enjoyed some very messy encounters between our two sides in recent years. This one should be no different. With the dogs just going and returning from Patterson’s Curse on the barest of 6 day breaks, Barry Hall out also, this game has Danger written all over it for Eddie, Nath, and Mick’s Benchmarkers. Beers in non-ADF approved (drug foundation not defense force, who knows what they approve these days) quantities will ensue.

Sunday, 4:40pm. This is a very non-traditional timeslot for the Traditional Carringbush, what with our traditional sports-science centre and traditional white with black stripes clash jumpers. Even the venue, whilst being The Filth’s traditional home, has not traditionally played host to a home and away between these two.

Are the traditional Punt Rd warm up sheds even open at that time? The Royal and The Cricketer’s (for those unwilling to briefly acknowledge what lies underneath – deep in some, shallower in others) should both be open for business I guess.What is most perplexing is what time to commence the oiling up, stretching and kick to kick?

The other, traditional kick offs all have inbuilt, organic cues. Friday, unless it has been a really bad week at work, normally procedings will commence about quarter past six. The traditional Saturday and Sunday 2:10-2:40 starts lend themselves to noon or thereabouts. Even Saturday night, if you’re smart you’ll bank a few points by fixing the kids’ dinner before ducking out.

This twilight fixturing seems to open up too much opportunity pre-game – a kind of reverse Pagan’s Paddock. Worse, there’s work the next day. There’s no tradition to it and I’m not sure what to do. I’ll have to seek a ruling from The Geisch I think.

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