Almanac History: Moratorium

The Moratorium March, Royalty at the footy, the VFL’s first ever Sunday match, and VFL Park’s first game; 1970 was certainly a happening year for many things political- and footy-wise. This insightful piece from Glen! was posted a couple of years ago and this past weekend marked the 50th anniversary of the Moratorium March. [Well worth remembering – Ed.]

SANFL Blow-ins 1960-1990 Part 3: Glenelg

With Glenelg winning the 2019 SANFL Grand Final, we re-visit Swish Schwerdt’s look at players who had a stint at the Bays.

One of the biggest names in Australian football (along with several obscure ones) appears in this next instalment of Swish’s list of Glenelg interstate interlopers during the SANFL’s black and golden years.