’Heners’ – schoolboy champ to country football icon……by KB Hill

KB Hill recounts the long career of Jon Henry, the boy from Kamarah who played in the AFL but made his greatest contribution in Wangaratta.

Familiar faces among Assumption College Kilmore cricket greats…. KB Hill

KB Hill has a night out at Assumption’s 125th Gala Dinner, including the inducting of several famous Kilmore College’s high-achieving alumni to their Hall of Excellence, and the unveiling of their ‘Cricketers of the Century’. Some well-known names there!

Assumption College’s Hall of Excellence Opening and their Team of the Century

  Assumption College in Kilmore is renowned as one of Australian football’s greatest ‘factories’, but a look through the accomplishments of its Alumni shows that sporting achievement is merely the top of the iceberg. From medicine, engineering, the arts, finance and the judiciary, Assumption College has a rich history of former students who have gone on [Read more]