A New Love

‘When Dane Swan retired, my footy-supporting stocks reached a low ebb. Things were bleak; dark. They say the darkest hour is right before the dawn.’
Find out which player has now claimed E.regnans’ Collingwood heart.

Stereo Story: making sense of Making Gravy

As a young teenager Cassandra Atkinson enjoyed but misunderstood the Paul Kelly song How To Make Gravy. Then things changed.

Almanac Music: ‘Smokie’ Dawson and The Stereo Stories Band

‘Smokie’ Dawson’s Stereo Story about young love and Before Too Long is always a hit at Stereo Stories concerts. Here is Smokie and the band at the 2016 Williamstown Literary Festival.

Almanac Music: ‘Making Gravy’ Stereo Story

For Cassandra Atkinson it was only through her parents’ divorce and the breaking up of her family into smaller divided units that she realized the true nature of Paul Kelly’s How To Make Gravy.

Leaps and Bounds

‘Andrewce’ remembers his days as a fledgling Eagles follower.

Round 21 – Collingwood v Richmond: Paper tigers (roll on summer)

E.regnans believes Richmond won this game only because Collingwood didn’t. They showed no initiative, instead reacting to turn-overs with fast-break goals. [A side to the big Tasmanian Oak I’ve never seen! – Ed]