Neil Sachse: A determined father spreads an important message

With the passing of Neil Sachse, we revisit this excerpt from Mike Sexton’s book about Neil. This is an introduction to Neil Sachse, the nature of spinal injury, the advances made in understanding and management, and Neil’s foundation. The Almanac extends our condolences to the Sachse family.

1971 SANFL Mobil Cards – Part 3: North Adelaide

North Adelaide was entering a rewarding period under Mike Patterson when these 1971 Mobil Cards of four of its very best were produced, including the greatest of them all, Barrie Robran.

Neil Sachse, the Bulldogs, and spinal cord research

On the eve of the Project Discovery Classic #2, a ride to raise funds for the Neil Sachse Centre – Spinal Cord Research, Michael Sexton gives us some background.