In this week’s installment of his long-running series on popular song, KD looks at songs involving watercraft – ships, boats, yachts and the like. As usual, readers’ song choices and comments are warmly welcomed.
Almanac Music: ‘Everybody’s building ships and boats’ – Songs Involving Watercraft
Almanac Music: ‘My Huckleberry Friend’ – Songs about the Moon
In the latest instalment of his long-running series on popular music themes, KD look at songs involving the moon. As usual, readers’ responses are warmly welcomed.
Almanac Music: ‘Moooooo!’ – Songs Containing Cowbell
This week’s themed music piece from KD involves songs containing the cowbell – in some instances, you’ll be surprised! As usual, contributions from readers are warmly welcomed.
Almanac Music: You Go To My Head – Songs Involving the Mind
This week’s music piece from KD concerns songs involving the mind as a central aspect. As usual, readers’ choices and comments are warmly encouraged.
Almanac Music: Songs with One Word Titles (No Personal Names or Places)
This week’s music theme from KD is songs with one word titles – but in the comments section, readers, no songs with names of people or places, please. Songs relevant to these topics have been covered to some extent in other Footy Almanac articles Kevin has written.
Almanac Music: Greatest Hits of 1856 – ‘Gentle Annie’ by Stephen Foster
In this Friday’s column, KD discusses an American pre-Civil War popular song, Stephen Foster’s beautiful ballad ‘Gentle Annie’, and examines how it has stood the test of time, presenting a couple of versions as examples.
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