Almanac Book Review: ‘Stories for Harry & Ray’ by Michael Sexton

Swish has had a read of Mike Sexton’s latest book ‘Stories for Harry & Ray’. He recommends it highly in this review.

Almanac Cricket Literature: How Vic Richardson and Ian Chappell helped John Lysikatos breathe again

Michael Sexton tells the story John Lysikatos, the author of the recently published ‘Victor Richardson: A Great Australian All Round Cricketer’ explaining the mission John was on and the friendships he developed with the Chappell family who encouraged and supported the project. [This is a wonderful story – JTH]

Almanac Book Launch: ‘Victor Richardson: A Great Australian All Round Sportsman’ – John Lysikatos

A fantastic new book ‘Victor Richardson: A great Australian All Round Sportsman’ by John Lysikatos is being launched on 15 December 2021, and you are invited to attend. Details enclosed.