Nicole Kelly is itching to remind herself of the magnificent Collingwood premiership season which she does in this reflection based around Jeremy Howe.
Almanac Life: Citrus Bueller’s Big Weekend
Citrus Bob Utber had a big few sporting days in Melbourne involving going to the footy, interviewing, and catching up with his many friends and associates.
Round 22 – Sydney v Collingwood: Haiku Bob – left behind
This may have been a tough one to write about, but Haiku Bob finds a way.
Almanac Teams: Jonestown, Best of Number 38 (1980- )
Keeping up with the Joneses over the back fence is a tough enough ask, but how would your side go in keeping up with the backline in this team? Rodney Boyd’s best of Number 38 features some minor Morris involvement too…
Round 4 – GWS v Collingwood: Heartbroken again
It was an unsettling time for Sean Mortell as the Pies hit the road and came up short against an under pressure Giants side – Jeremy Howe added injury to insult on a dark evening.
Round 4 – GWS v Collingwood: Empathy for the Magpie
After witnessing Jeremy Howe’s horror knee injury on Friday night, Alex Darling felt a heavy layer of empathy. His time spent unemployed during the coronavirus pandemic meant he slid a little bit closer to understanding the gruelling months that lay ahead of Howe.
Round 3 – Haiku Bob – Covid footy
Are the Magpies the team for the times? Haiku Bob reflects on their win over the Saints.
Round 2 – Collingwood v Richmond: Daicos Delights in Dour Draw
The couch will have to do instead of MCG seats for Luke Reynolds as he yells himself hoarse supporting his Magpies in their drawn game against the Tigers.
Round 2 – Collingwood v Richmond: Discomfort
Footy’s back! Paddy Grindlay reviews the hard slog of the Collingwood and Richmond game that resulted in the first draw of the season.
The 2019 Brett Deledio Cup.
Earl O’Neill is rapt his Monaros will compete against the Tigers next weekend for the 2019 AFL Premiership Cup.
Whatever happens, Collingwood, you already won
As we await the two preliminary finals, the outcomes of which will be measured by the score, E Regnans considers other metrics. Having watched the club’s deeply human ethos emerge and then been given a further lens – the documentary From the Inside Out – he concludes that whatever happens tomorrow night the Collingwood FC and Nathan Buckley have already won. We can learn a lot from them. [A mighty fine piece – JTH]
Round 21 – Melbourne v Collingwood: Pies freeze out Dees (Floreat Pica Society)
Steve Fahey reports for the Floreat Pica Society from a cold MCG. Collingwood is still in the hunt for the double chance, but will “need to improve a lot more to be a contender.”
Round 18 – GWS v Collingwood: Dipping into despair
Despairing game of football for Sean Mortell and fellow Collingwood supporters after their Round 18 loss to GWS as his report shows.
Second Semi-Final – Collingwood v GWS: Knitted in Black & White
Son Josh’s Fathers’ Day gift has achieved lucky charm status in the Luke Reynolds household. There was a lot for Luke to like about Collingwood’s first finals win since 2012.
Second Semi Final – Collingwood v GWS: When Jeremy Howe defies physicists and mystics
David Wilson and the buds are at the MCG to see what he describes as an “open savanna of a match” and “a 1500 metre race of a match”. But it’s Jeremy Howe’s moment that is the focus of his poetic prose. What a moment! What a mark!
Cam Hooke’s Collingwood Life: 2018 AFL Finals – The Year of the Magpie
For Cam’s True Believers, their Mighty Magpies are there; in the Finals once again, and for him, it seems a while ago since they were last there.
Round 19 – Richmond v Collingwood: You can’t out-Richmond Richmond
As top-placed Richmond dismisses another challenger, Gill spots “early blossom on some of the trees on the way home from the station, a sign that September is just around the corner…”
Floreat Pica Society: Round 14, Collingwood v Carlton
The Floreat Pica Society report on the traditional grudge match against the Blues – the most hated club by a long stretch for Pie supporters. Other teams just don’t cut it when it comes to the level of sheer, naked hate Collingwood supporters have for the men in Blue.
Round 9: The Red and the White – Buddy’s Back.
Buddy’s back and the red and white army are hoping Buddy adds to his extensive highlights reel this week against the Dockers.
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